Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

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Network Distribution Techniques of the Global 1-km AVHRR Data Set 
Jeffery C. Eidenshink and Lyndon R. Oleson 
U.S. Geological Survey, EROS Data Center Sioux Falls, SD 57198 
ISPRS Commission Il, Working Group 11/3 
KEY WORDS: Networks Distribution On_line Global Data Remote_Sensing 
Under the framework of the Earth Observing System Data and Information System 
(EOSDIS), which is designed to provide national and international user community access 
to these data, the U.S. Geological Surveys EROS Data Center (EDC) serves as a 
Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) for land processes data. One of the primary 
Pathfinder activities undertaken by the EDC DAAC is the global land 1-km advanced very 
high resolution infrared radiometer (AVHRR) data set. Two products are available from the 
global 1-km project: raw data and 10-day vegetation index composites. The total data 
volume of a single 10-band composite is approximately 10.5 gigabytes. Fifty-four 10-day 
composites will have been produced by the end of 1996, and the combined archive of raw 
data and 10-day composites will exceed 4.0 terabytes. 
A data compression technique has been developed specifically for use in the storage and 
distribution of the global 10-day composite data. The technique results in approximately a 
10:1 reduction of data. It provides for spectral, spatial, and geographical subsetting 
capability to the user. The EDC DAAC is providing access to the global 1-km data set's 
orbital segments and 10-day vegetation index composites through DAAC's World Wide Web 
(WWW) home page. The WWW interface offers a simple HTML form that allows users to 
select and request a 10-day composite or raw data. 
Introduction international user community access to 
these data, the U.S. Geological Survey's 
One of the goals of NASA's Mission To EROS Data Center (EDC) serves as a 
Planet Earth, and in particular the Earth Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) 
Observing System (EOS) program, is to for land processes data. The EDC DAAC 
develop a comprehensive data and carries out responsibilities for processing, 
information system that includes the archiving and distributing EOS and auxiliary 
retrieval and processing of data that are land science data. 
critical for interdisciplinary scientific 
investigations of Earth system processes. — One of the greatest challenges to EOSDIS 
Under the framework of the EOS Data and is the management of the anticipated 
Information System (EOSDIS), which is volume of raw and processed data acquired 
designed to provide national and by EOS space-borne sensors. The data 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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