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Table 5. The relative orientation parameters of calibration (2) without applying the relative orientation constraints
( Results of Camera (1) and Camera (2) )
Calibration B ^o (deg.) AD (deg.) AK (deg.)
No. 2 (cm) cam (1) cam(2) | cam(l) cam(2) | cam(l) cam(2)
Vanset-up 1 | 182.71 | 80.4003 | 81.3991 0.1379 0.7130 -7.8114 9.2847
Vanset-up 2 | 183.21 | 80.3921 | 81.4491 0.1535 0.7021 -7.8303 9.2422
Van set-up 3 | 182.44 | 80.4064 | 81.3714 0.1464 0.6200 -7.8164 8.9672
Van set-up 4 | 183.98 | 80.4453 | 81.3655 0.1849 0.7349 -7.6452 9.2266
Van set-up 5 | 182.91 | 80.4495 | 81.4095 0.1478 0.6639 -7.7682 9.1123
Table 6. The relative orientation parameters of three different calibrations after applying the relative orientation constraints
( Results of Camera (1) and Camera (2) )
Calibration B ^o (deg.) AD (deg.) Ax (deg.)
(cm) cam(l) cam(2) | cam(l) cam(2) | cam(l) cam (2)
No. 1 183.47 | 80.4691 | 81.4191 | 0.1691 0.6313 | -7.8631 9.1923
No. 2 183.12 | 80.4325 | 81.3991 | 0.1603 0.6778 | -7.8484 | 9.2010
No. 3 183.33 | 80.4495 | 81.3723 | 0.1642 0.6538 | -7.8521 | 9.1892
15 Table 9 summarizes the system repeatability as obtained from
the tests described above. The RMS(x,y) is the composite
10 4-4. erre 9-8
T A " ef AZ e horizontal error, computed from:
8 e oat &449 2. un |
5 S4 cs... 4A 9$, g^9"95 RMS(E,N) - y(&E)? -(ÓN ? , where 8E and àN are the
5 0 errors in E and N coordinates.
= T T T T
5 d 8 I a
BS ah Bria hg Ad acu. A
2 " &a me , s m e A H A ? Repeatability RMS (E, N) RMS (h)
eO lune user rut tienda Mit S ^ be » (cm) (cm)
-15 Forward-backward, same day +8 UE
gan 2nd tone 22 5 12115016 Figs, 2 Same Direction, different. t6 +4
| eE &8N ah | Point Number days
3 Forward-backward, different + 10 Hind
Figure 7. Repeatability of Forward-Backward Runs on the Same davs
Day f
15 . . “gr
e e Table 9: Statistical summary of the system repeatability
1o. d... 9 3. Boso siii iut
© A 8 a e . = The results in height indicate that the GPS/INS positioning
o A $ ; : : . :
*sleee—————A.. buone acm component is working at the centimeter level. Since the height
E component in GPS is the weakest, it can be expected that the X
gm ; ; : and Y components are at least of the same accuracy. The increase
E in errors for the horizontal components must therefore be due to
= -5 d us. Nauntheicen eabcoso dea red A the camera array. The most likely explanation is that the increase
e A ® in RMS(x,y) as compared to RMS(h) is due to the along track
9, 1.3... 5. : SER CRG uua eer A. AM eu. error caused by the errors in determining the base between the
e 2 cameras. The across-track error should be small and comparable
-15 2 in size to the height error. Another explanation would be a poor
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 synchronization between the GPS/INS component and the
camera component. This would result again in an along-track
| eE mN Ah | Point Number
Figure 8. Repeatability of Forward-Backward Runs on Different
error. Repeatability in the same direction, even on different days,
seems to be consistently better than the repeatability between
forward and backward runs. But the RMS of 10 cm in horizontal
and 7 cm vertical are still reasonable considering the fact that the
errors in forward-backward direction should be A times the
same direction errors.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996