Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

For the integration and operation of the system specialised 
software was developed, involving all photogrammetric 
problems, for the adequate metric exploitation of the video 
2.1 Camera calibration 
Camera calibration of the video camcorders used is obviously 
of utmost importance, in order to ensure high accuracy for the 
measurements. It may accurately be performed with the use 
of a self-calibrating least squares bundle adjustment. Each 
camera setup introduces 15 unknowns into the adjustment. Six 
of them are station dependent unknowns, and are usually 
referred to as exterior orientation parameters. These are the 
three space coordinates of the perspective centre (X,, Y,, Ze) 
of the camera lens and the three rotation angles (uw, «p, K) of 
the lens axis. Since the commercial camcorders used could 
not be considered as metric, each camera introduces 9 
additional station dependent unknowns. The set of the 
additional unknowns includes the location of principal point (x,, 
y,) on the image plane, the camera constant (c), two 
parameters for radial distortion, two for decentering distortion 
and two affine transformation parameters. The mathematical 
model is based on the well known photogrammetric collinearity 
equations enhanced with additional correction terms Ax, Ay, 
in order to compensate for camera lens distortion errors (He 
et al. 1992, Snow et al. 1992): 
Ax = x, *x(r^-1)a, « x(r^-1)a, + (r^-2x))a, «2xya, * xa, * ya, 
" " iis ii = (1) 
by - y,*y(r-)a, » y(r^-1)a; * 2xya, « (r^-2y^)a, - yas 
Xp Vo the image coordinates of the principal point 
X, y the image coordinates with respect to the 
principal point 
r the radial distance of the point from the 
principal point 
a, a, radial distortion parameters 
a, a, decentering distortion parameters 
A5, A affine transformation parameters 
In order to enable the algorithm to solve for the unknown 
parameters, a test field including at least 8 suitably signalised 
control points is necessary. These control points should be 
stable and placed surrounding the moving object. Their location 
in space is determined with the help of precise geodetic 
For the determination of the control points' image coordinates, 
an automatic target detection algorithm is used. Firstly image 
processing tools, such as average filtering and contrast 
stretching, may be used in order to remove the noise 
introduced during the digitization of the frames and improve the 
quality of the images. Initial target image coordinates are 
determined by using a cross correlation algorithm which 
matches the observed targets with a predefined target 
template (Vernon 1991). It has been found thet the use of 
circular black targets on white background facilitates this 
phase of the work, because they are not distorted 
considerably from different angles of view. To improve the 
accuracy, a centroid detection algorithm has been finally used, 
which computes the centre of gravity of the black circles with 
sub-pixel accuracy. 
Object coordinates in 3-D space are determined by a two 
camera triangulation algorithm (Snow et al. 1992). Image 
coordinate measurements of signalised points of interest are 
performed automatically on synchronised stereoscopic video 
frames of the object, in order to avoid manual identification of 
the targets separately on each frame. Synchronisation is 
achieved by matching the frames with the same clock 
indication, which is present on each recordered frame. 
Absolute synchronization of the two cameras requires 
specialized hardware which is not usually available for 
commercial video camcorders. 
The image coordinates of the observed targets are introduced 
into the computation as tie points with unknown positions. For 
each tie point 3 additional unknowns and 4 observation 
equations are added. 
2.2 Rectification to the normal case 
The production of epipolar images definitely simplifies the 
process of stereoviewing and measuring. The rectification of 
a stereo pair to the normal case is achieved by using epipolar 
geometry and image processing techniques. The basic idea is 
simple: if the left and right image planes are coplanar and the 
horizontal image coordinates axes are collinear (no k rotation 
about the optical axes), then the epipolar lines are parallel in 
both images and the corresponding lines have the same y 
coordinate. Since such a condition is quite difficult to achieve 
in practice, a geometric transformation should be employed in 
order to transform both left and right images to the desired 
coordinate system of the common plane. 
In the following, the algorithm used to rectify a stereo pair of 
video images to the normal case will be described. First of all, 
the elements of the relative orientation should be determined. 
Assuming that the left photo is fixed in position and orientation, 
i.e. the three translation displacements and three rotations are 
equal to zero, five relative orientation parameters have to be 
calculated. The translation displacement dX in the X direction 
is fixed at a value approximately equal to the image base, in 
order to establish the scale of the stereo model approximately 
equal to the image scale. The five unknown parameters are 
then computed for the right image. They are the three rotation 
angles do, dp, dk and the two translation displacements dY 
and dZ. 
In the ideal normal case, the right image is considered as 
"vertical" (dw=de=dk=0) and no displacements exist in Y and 
Z directions, i.e. dY=dZ=0. This means that the right image is 
parallel to the left one and the epipolar lines are parallel to the 
image coordinate fiducial axis system. Although this ideal case 
does not actually exist, it is possible to rotate a gemerally tilted 
right photo to a coordinate system that is parallel to the fixed 
coordinate system of the left photo by using the following 
relations (Chen & Scarpace 1990): 
x^, E myX, f ma, T Imc 
Ver = MX, + may, - mage (2) 
ee - 
Z par Maar 7 Mag 
Xp y, right image coordinates in coordinate system of the 
tiled image 
m, elements of rotation matrix 
Since this transformation produces a different z^, for each 
image point, the right image must also be transformed to the 
common plane. In this study, a common plane at (-c-dZ) has 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 
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