Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

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when the image presents a highly complex variability of 
spectral classes, which may difficult the task of selecting the 
classes directly from the original image 
Figure 9 shows the classified KCM itself, where one can verify 
the separation of classes, building decision regions for the 
classification. The non-classified regions, in black, may 
indicate the presence of distinct classes, which may be 
interactively incorporated in finer and more comprehensive 
selections of classes. This may lead to increasingly better 
and/or more specific classifications. 
In this work we also proposed alternatives for improving the 
performance of Artificial Neural Networks in terms of training 
time, with the parallel implementation of the SOM and an 
advanced learning algorithm for the MLP network, a version of 
the Scale Conjugate Gradient algorithm instead of the standard 
The positive results achieved show the feasibility to search for 
new techniques either in software or in hardware and their 
combination for reaching increasingly better performances as 
shown in tables 4 and 5. As for the classification performance 
itself, the proposed neural architecture showed superior 
performance over a well known statistical classification 
method (table 6). The results obtained for neural classification 
associated with its performance improvement in terms of time 
motivate therefore to continue and to expand research efforts in 
this area, since still only a limited part of the power of the 
neural nets is actually being utilized. 
As an example, another research direction is to further 
investigate the applicability and flexibility of dynamic 
structural determination techniques for the SOM and MLP 
networks, as proposed by (Fritzke 1995) and (Zuben 1996) 
respectively. These techniques consist basically in enabling the 
network structure to grow up until specific performance criteria 
to the application be achieved. 
The first author thanks to Jesus Christ, the Source of Life and 
Hope. The first author also thanks to Nelson Hi Man Pak for 
his comments and suggestions. This research was developed in 
part with help of CENAPAD (National Center for High 
Performance Processing - Sao Paulo - Brazil) project 
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