Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

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and resample to 2020 meter resolution. 
flip-over the image in line direction to create an almost 
west-east image. This step is required in case of images 
acquired in descending orbit. 
apply an affine transformation to register the ERS-1 
image to the SPOT image. 
- extract form the coherence map the same window as is 
used in ERS-1. 
- execute the same steps, with the same parameters for 
the transformations, on the coherence map as are used 
for the registration of the ERS-1 image. 
3.1 MLH classification 
Optical data 
For the classification of the optical SPOT-XS data all the 
bands (3) were used. The classification was performed with 
the ILWIS software. The positions of the training samples 
were located in the image by visual inspection, i.e. relating 
the position of SPOT samples in the topographic map and 
the corresponding positions on the false color composite 
map. Since the Maximum Likelihood classifier was applied, 
the numbers of training samples representing a class were 
taken into consideration because of the validity of the 
statistical estimates (mean and variance-covariance matrix 
). Per class, samples with a size of more than 100 pixels 
were taken. In the classification process a threshold, in the 
Mahanalobis distance, of 14 was used. Those pixels that 
were not classified applying this threshold were considered 
to belong to the NULL-class. In table 1 the confusion matrix 
and the corresponding accuracies and reliabilities are 
Optical and radar data 
The same parameters and sample set are used for the 
classification of the SPOT image plus the coherence map. 
Only the feature space dimension is increased by one. 
In table 2 the result of the classification is shown. 
3.2 NN classification 
Neural network classifications in general do not recognize 
automatically a NULL class. That means that all pixels are 
appointed to one of the classes the network was trained for. 
So also pixels that belong to a not sampled land use will be 
classified but to a wrong class. To avoid this, a mask was 
created using the NULL class of the maximum likelihood 
Optical data 
For the investigation the EASI/PACE software of PCI 
(version 5.3) is used. A three layer network of fully 
interconnected processing units is composed. In the input 
layer one node represents one input channel. For the 
optical data alone three nodes are used. The output layer 
comprises 8 units, one for each class. The size of the single 
hidden layer is varied. Benediktsson et al. (1990) Civco 
(1991) used both 3 and 4 layer networks. They found that 
using a four layer network did not improve the classification 
accuracy. The momentum and learning rate were set at 0.9 
and 0.1 respectively. The PCI programs use a back- 
propagation network which is trained by means of the 
Generalized Delta Rule. This involves two phases. In the 
first phase the weights for the inter-unit connections are 
initialized to random values in the range of -0.5 to 0.5. The 
input data is presented and propagated forward through the 
network. Within each processing unit the combined input 
contained is modified by the sigmoid function before it is 
passed to other connecting processing units. The second 
phase is a backward pass through the network, adjusting 
the weights to reduce the error between the actual and the 
desired output until it is acceptable or is stabilized. During 
the classification of the image, each pixel in the output layer 
is allocated to the class associated with the unit with the 
highest activation level. After the classification, the 
previously created mask is used to create a NULL class that 
is identical to the one of the MLH classification. In table 3 
the result of the classification is shown. 
Optical and radar data 
The same parameters and sample set are used for the 
classification of the SPOT image plus the coherence map. 
Only the feature space dimension is increased by one; the 
first layer contains four nodes. 
In table 4 the result of the classification is shown. 
The overall accuracy of the four classifications does not 
vary significantly (about 296). Also the variance of the 
average accuracy and reliability is low (about 496). The 
main reason for the low variances is the almost perfect 
classification of the classes 1 (bare soil), 2 (sugar beets), 3 
(stubbles), 4 (forest) and 7 (water) in all classifications. Only 
the accuracy and the reliability of the classes 5 (maize), 6 
(grass) and 8 (reed) are improved. In these classes a 
significant difference exists between the result of the neural 
network (NN) classifier on the SPOT data plus the 
coherence map and the result of the maximum likelihood 
(MLH) classification of the SPOT data alone. 
For some classes, which have a high accuracy in the 
classification of the SPOT data alone, the accuracy is 
decreased in the classification of the combined data. This 
decrease is caused by outlyers in the feature space of the 
combined data set. The outlyers increase the number of 
elements appointed to the NULL-class. 
From this experiment we can conclude that the input of a 
coherence map improves the result of the classifications. 
However it does not give a clear answer which of the two 
classifiers gives the best result. 
Benediktsson, J.A., Swain, P.H., and Ersoy, O.K., 1990, 
Neural network approaches versus statistical methods in 
classification of multi source remote sensing data. IEEE 
Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, 28, 
Civco, D.L., 1991, Landsat TM image classification with an 
artificial neural network., Proceedings, ASPRS-ACSM 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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