Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

EAN ESSEN US A En A RR T ny. rT "mm 
Peter Kempa resi 
Eckhard Siebe mol 
Mannesmann Mobilfunk GmbH On: 
D - 40543 Düsseldorf, Germany mor 
e-mail: pkempa@tegate.mmo.de is tl 
e-mail: esiebe@tegate.mmo.de cap 
Commission I/II The 
KEY WORDS: Telecommunication, 3D-Urban Data, Analytical and Digital Photogrammetry freq 
Mannesmann Mobilfunk GmbH with its D2 network is the first private GSM network operator in Germany. The D2 network imp 
is a cellular radio network with small cellular sites. For planning cellular radio networks topographic data will be used. This Esp 
includes demographic data, the information about the landuse and, most importantly, accurate terrain height data. by ' 
Especially in the major cities the topographic data which has been used up to now is no longer sufficient. Not only the lonc 
terrain hights are needed, but the knowledge of the city structure itself is a presumption for the planning of further antenna cap 
locations for the so-called microcells. the 
City structure data is defined as geocoded terrain height data including the location and the height of the buildings. This dat 
data is not yet available, so it was derived by placing an order. Controlling of this so derived data, which is the major stru 
problem, is going to be discussed and possible methods of updating are presented. ante 
Die Mannesmann Mobilfunk GmbH ist der erste private GSM-Netzbetreiber in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Das prof 
D2-Netz ist ein zellulares Funktnetz, das sehr kleinmaschig konzipiert wurde. Für die Planung zellularer Funknetze werden Mot 
unter anderem topographische Daten benötigt. Dazu gehören neben den Informationen über die Geländenutzung und den 199 
demographischen Daten insbesondere die Informationen über die Geländehöhe. Für den weiteren Ausbau des digitalen thre 
D2-Mobilfunknetzes in den Städten reichen die bisherigen Kenntnisse über die tatsächliche Geländeoberfläche nicht mehr and 
aus. Neben der reinen Geländehöhe ist die Kenntniss über die Stadtstruktur selbst eine Voraussetzung für die Planung von com 
möglichen Antennenstandorten für die Mikrozellen. prec 
Ein digitales Stadtmodell ist als eine geocodierte, höhenmäßige Darstellung einer Stadtoberfläche zu verstehen. Die 
Höhendarstellung umfaßt dabei nicht nur die Darstellung der physikalischen Erdoberfläche, sondern zusätzlich noch die 
Darstellung der Gebäude. Da diese Art Daten derzeit am Markt nicht erhältlich sind, wurden sie im Auftrag erzeugt. 
Zunächst soll die Kontrolle der so gewonnenen Daten, die ein Problem darstellt diskutiert werden und anschließend wird 
ein Ausblick auf die Möglichkeiten der Datenaktualisierung gegeben. To € 
1. INTRODUCTION (BTS) which establishes the connection to and from the varie 
subscribers. The size of a cell depends on the surface and site 
In December 1989, the "Go Ahead!" signal was given for the expected traffic load, and on the performance of the with 
D2 privat when the Minister of Posts and Telecommunication base and the mobile stations. The radius of a cell variies curr 
awarded Mannesmann Mobilfunk the licence to operate — between one and thirty kilometers. For computer based the 1 
the first private digital mobile telecommunication network in planning of cellular radio networks geographic data will be 
Germany. The D2 network is based on the GSM-standards used. This includes demographic data, the information c 
(Global Systems for Mobile Communication). This standard —— about the landuse and most importantly terrain height data. [ 
creates uniform guidelines for the digital mobile radio Terrain height data is geocoded within a 100 m grid. The I 
communications and allows cross-border roaming accuracy of the supporting points is + 5 m. ë 
throughout Europe. As a result of this joint standard, it was This data is one of the parameters needed for the the C 
possible to create a uniform infrastucture as the basisfora ^ calculation of the field-strength, which is the base for € 
pan-European mobile communication market. further planning steps. The results of the planning process C 
Today Mannesmann Mobilfunk has approximately 2,800 are optimized locations for the base stations, the relevant ( 
employees throughout Germany. The D2 network covers initial parameters and the frequencies of each base station f 
more than 98% of its citizens and 95% of the area. to serve a region with sufficient quality and capacity. E 
The D2 network is a cellular radio network with small C 
cellular sites. Each cell has a Base Transceiver Station + 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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