Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Miyakejima is a volcanic island, about 10 km across, located 
150 km south of Tokyo on the Izu-Mariana arc (Figure 2a). 
This basaltic composite volcano has erupted every 15-20 years 
during the past 500 ycars. According to the Geological Survey 
of Japan, the most recent activity started with the collapse of the 
crater on July 8, 2000. A large eruption occurred on August 18 
with a plume height of over 12 km. The crater grew to the size 
of L6 km wide and 500 m deep as of early September. 
(Kazahya et al, 2001). All residents were evacuated in 
September 2000. Electrical failures during the eruption resulted 
in the malfunction of all in-situ monitoring instruments. Under 
these conditions, SAR interferometry was the only useful 
technique to monitor surface deformation of the volcano. 
Since the eruption volcanic gases have been released 
intensively. The volcano is still active. Routine monitoring of 
SO, emission is done the by the airborne COSPEC Monitoring 
Team of the Japan Meteorological Agency. SO, emissions 
average about 10,000 tons/day compared to 100,000 tons/day 
during the late June eruption (Figure 2b). Our InSAR 
investigation is aimed at providing deformation information 
related the post eruption behaviour. 
Although L-band InSAR produces higher coherence over a 
vegetated area than C-band SAR imagery, we used 
RADARSAT C-HH because of its availability, high resolution 
and suitable viewing geometry. We selected RADARSAT fine 
mode images (F3f: 41.8-44.3 degrees) with a spatial resolution 
of 8 m to detect and monitor surface deformation on the small 
(6 km diameter) island (Figure 2d). Since most of the island is 
covered with vegetation, a special filter was used to enhance the 
raw interferogram in areas of poor coherence and speckle. This 
filter, useful for InSAR analysis in vegetated areas, was 
developed by Okhura and Shimada (2000). The filter is based 
on a moving average attached to Atlantis Scientific Inc InSAR 
software. After each filtering the portion in which the 
interferogram becomes clear is superposed on the output 
interferogram. The data of GPS stations installed after the 
eruption were used for baseline adjustment. 
Of the fifteen RADARSAT images acquired from August to 
December 2000, we selected the November 10^ and December 
4^ InSAR result for this paper (Figure 2c). Our results from the 
other interferograms (August to December) provided a more 
complete picture of deformation during this period. 
e GPS and D-InSAR measurements are providing an 
integrated monitoring system of post eruption shrinkage 
rates at the Miyake-Jima volcano, after the severe August 
2000 eruption. Our differential InSAR results show 
Miyake-jima crater subsided 4.7 cm between November 
10^ to December 4", 2000. 
e The D-InSAR image shows deformation along an existing 
fault lines at the Frank Slide. This information is used to 
understand the post failure mechanism and mobility of the 
slide and target in the location of in-situ monitoring 
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