Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

The geodetic marks describe and keep in 
the matearilized way the relationship with the 
terrain position and its representation in the chart 
or map. All geodetic mark is the starting-point 
for any measure in the terrain. It gives support to 
the civil engineering, geophysic and quality 
control guarantee of the systematic mapping. The 
geodetic surveys are indispensable to the land 
possession, bounderies definitions for example, 
the Brazil/Colombia boundery is limited by a 
geodetic line, beginning in Tabatinga, in the 
State of Amazonas, with ground survey, assisted 
by the airbone side-looking radar images, 
efficient cartographic documents to the tropical 
Zones, dense forests and clooud covery. 
The Army Geographic Directory - 
SGEsince 1982, firmed and agreement with The 
Indian Foundation - FUNAI. It has already 
demarked seventy million square kilometers in 
the Amazon, The SGE since 1986 in the “Calha 
Norte Project”, with the Brazilian Environment 
Institute - IBAMA has been demarked the famous 
reservation Chico Mendes, Xapuri, State of Acre. 
The SGE has cooperated with the Agrarian 
Reform and Colonization National Institute - 
INCRA, in the deforested area during the last 
fifteen years in order to solve the social conflicts 
applying geodesy in the South of the State of 
The Brazilian Air Force, Aeronautical 
Cartographic Institute - ICA, is producing 
through sucess its image-maps (12) in the 
1:500.000 scale, (5) in the 1:250.000 due to the 
lack of cartographic documents in the Amazon 
region. INPE and the Aeronatical Technology 
Center - CTA are working with the Popular 
Republica of China, both will launch the China- 
Brazil Earth Resources Satellite, in 1997. 
The Direction of Hidrography and 
Navigation - DHN made the Cartography Basic 
Plan and made about 101 charts of the Amazon 
Basin River. The IBGE produced the Legal 
Amazon Map in the scale of the 1:3.000.000, the 
maps from the States of Amapá, Roraima and 
Tocantins. The great Brazilian Oil Company - the 
PETROBRÁS developed the geodetic survey 
activities in the Sedimentary Amazon Basin. 
The airbone Synthetic Aperture Radar - 
SAR may be appelied with satellite radar data. 
The Brazilian Cartography has a considerable 
tradition on radar technology. In the past 70's the 
government authorized the RADAM BRASIL 
project (airbone side-looking radar) to the 
geopolitcs vision named Amazon Operation, and 
produced maps in the 1:250.000 and 1:1.000.000 
scales. Nowadays, some areas in the Amazon 
need maps at the scale of 1:25.000, 1:50.000 and 
1:100.000 for territory management, land use, 
demark indian lands and natural reserves. 
Canada has developed the  airbone 
Synthetic Aperture Radar technology in in the 
1:50.000 and 1:100.000 scales. A big advantage 
is the digital data which may be combined with 
wellknown sensors and make the thematic 
mapping production easier. 
The SAR technology is wellkown in: 
Canada, United States, France, Africa (The 
Congo Rain Forest) and Asia. In South America, 
Colombia applied the airbone SAR, in the urban 
planning at Bogota and in the Colobian Amazon 
region. Dr. Fraser TAYLOR the former President 
of the International Cartographic Association - 
ICA/ACI advise us to make comparisons among 
SPOT, TM, MSS, aerial photos and the modern 
products ERS-1, JERS-1, IRS-IB, photos KVR- 
100J and the RADAR SAT in order to better 
evaluable the SAR system. In France 
cartographers made advanced studies combining 
SPOT digial data and ERS-1 data. They suggest 
another program like as SAREX-92 - The 
Airbone Sybthetic Aperture Radar Program, 
operated in May, 1992, in Brasil, Vezenuela, 
Parama and Costa Rica, including the 
participation of meanly cartographic 
organizations in the South America. 
In the future cartographers will make the 
RADARSAT data and the CBERS data available 
increasing horizons and the challenge in 
cartography and remote sensing. Certainly they 
will give support to the mapping activities in the 
Brazilian Amazon region. The Strategic Affairs 
Secretary - SAE planned the Projects: the 
Amazon Protection System - SIPAM and The 
Amazon Protection Vigilance - SIVAM, 
recommending: the sustainable development, 
survey and development of new tecnologies in 
the Amazon region, environmental control and 
public healty. The SIVAM PROJECT will map 
the Amazon Region in Brazil, applying the 
airbone SAR of the Mac Donald Detwiller, the 
Canadian Enterprise fixed to the airplane Brasilia 
Aeronautic Brasilian Enterprise. 
We know the systematic mapping is 
basic to the chart production and thematic maps 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996

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