Ds=Min{ |IX-Yi]|. Xi £ Objects}
Raster Voronoi Diagram of spatial objects.
3. The description cf topological relations based cn Voronoi diagram.
Kainz[1990], Egenhofer and Franzosa [1991] made more systematic investigation on the
definitions of spatial topological relations. They proposed a formal framework, as
follows in term of the intersections of the boundaries and interiors of two point-
A° N 3b A n.
But this kind of description framework exists drawbacks, some relations can’t be
represented by them. For conquering the deficients, Chen, Sun[1994} take the
conplement besides interior and boundary into a count and construct a new framework
in terms of the intersections of boundaries, interior and complements of two sets.
3A ^ 38 ANB’ 34 A91
M A 35 A^ nw a° N 87
AN an An 8° As?
In nature. the new framework has no considerable changes.The lateral ad jacent
relations still are not represented. Therefore, we introduce the Voronoi Diagram into
the discrete space and modify the description framework as follows:
JAN 28 2An 5? JAN Vs
A? ^30 A? A9 AN Vg
Va nao Va ^ B? Va NV
Va, Vb are raster Voronoi regions cf spatial objects. Making use of this framework
it is possible for description lateral adjacent relations besides general spatial
relations. In the follows two examples are given, the first is to find nearest object
near to one location, the second is tco find adjacent objects near to the center
object in the term cf Vcronci diagram adjacency.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996