used for the
DPS "Delta" is
solution of the
technological tasks:
* making and revising digital maps
for all the scale series;
* making plans for
* making architectural and mine-
surveying plans on the basis of
* ground phototheodolite
* geodetic network densification
by analitical photogrammetric
DPS technological software
supports all the = principal
procedures of stereoscopic
processing which is used in
analytical station
"Stereoanagraph", such as:
automatic orientation of model,
collecting topographic data,
semantic encoding of entity, etc.
Technology of making digital maps
by means of DPS is based -on
stereoscopic sight of digital image
of stereopair on display screen. À
library of functions automatizing
accomplishment of several
processes, such as: restoring
circles, arcs, parallel lines,
orthogonizing outlines of
buildings, smoothing any
horizontals out, etc, has been
developed for reduction of
laboriousness of obtaining digital
terrain model (DTM).
Densification is accomplished by
the method of analytical
photogrammetric triangulation in
two modes: traditional, e.g.
artificial marking of tie points and
digital marking. The second mode
is supposed to be more prospective
as it allows to avoid some
instrumental errors during marking.
This method provides for making a
project of works with determination
of the tie points centres through all
the block. The project is created
by digitizer upon contact pictures.
According to the project data
management with DPS work and
making file of tie points
coordinates through all the block
with posterior checking the results
of measurements is accomplished.
Program interface accomplishes
the attachment of the data with
different adjusting programmes
being in user's disposal.
Collecting programme allows to
divide topographic data into
layers; their content is fixed by
user. This technology gives an
opportunity for convenient
manipulation with data. Also it is
allows to represent any combination
of subject layers in different
colours with operator's wish.
DTM creating is possible to realize
in two versions of setting
coordinate-systems: in a given
cartographic projection for small-
scale satellite surveying and in a
local orthogonal coordinate-
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996
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