p It is an interesting time to be working in the transition to digital
photogrammetry. The rapid increase in computing power and
the advent of practical digital image handling permits
developers to advance the productivity of photogrammetry in a
fairly continuous way. When the automation is synonymous
with productivity increases or ease of use, advancement has
mm been made. Automated operations have been discussed and are
continuing to permeate nearly all phases of digital
— photogrammetry. Most of these improvements are being put to
use rapidly after their introduction. Automation is expected to
an be remain a key area of Leica-Helava development for some time.
1e semi- Carson, W.W., Miller, S.B. and Walker, AS, 1996.
re based Automated forest inventory using a digital photogrammetruc
workstation. In: Proceedings, Second International Airborne
Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition, San Francisco, 24-
a small 27 June. In press.
ige. The
ansition DeVenecia, K. J., Miller, S.B., Pacey, R.E. and Walker, A.S.,
1996. Experiences with a commercial package for automated
aerial triangulation." In: ASPRS Technical Papers, 1996
ASPRS-ACSM Annual Convention, Baltimore. In press.
Dowman, LJ., 1996. Digital photogrammetry - time for
decision. Surveying World, Vol. 4, No. 2, p. 5.
Fritsch, D., 1995. Introduction into digital aerotriangulation. In:
Fritsch, D. and Hobbie, D. (eds.), Photogrammetric Week ‘95,
Wichmann, Karlsruhe, pp. 165-171.
Helava, U.V., 1988. Object space least squares correlation. In:
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,
Kyoto, Japan, Vol. 27, Part B2, pp. 297-302.
ceep the Johansson, M., Miller, S.B., and Walker, A.S., 1995. Digital
ters and Orthophotography at the National Land Survey of Sweden.
he user GIS/LIS '95 Annual Conference and Exhibition, Proceedings,
o]. One Vol. 1, pp. 522-529.
sept of a
several Leberl, F.W., 1991. The promise of softcopy photgrammetry.
| à user In: Ebner, H., Fritsch, D. and Heipke, C. (eds.), Digital
| type to Photogrammetric Systems, Wichmann, Karlsruhe, pp. 3-14.
ıllection ;
mits thé Miller, S.B. and DeVenecia, K., 1992. Automatic elevation
le based extraction and the digital photogrammetric workstation. In:
ates.the ASPRS Technical Papers, 1992 ASPRS-ACSM Annual
ion, For Convention, Albuquerque, Vol. 1, pp. 572-580.
dustrial Miller, S.B. and Walker, A.S., 1996. Aerial triangulation -
default automation ups productivity! Surveying World, Vol. 4, No. 2,
hurches pp. 23-25.
le might
ıtomatic Miller, S.B., Walker, A.S. and Walsh, M.C., 1995. Digital
photogrammetry at the Ordnance Survey of Ireland. In: 1995
ASPRS/ACSM Annual Convention & Exposition, Technical
Papers, Vol. 2, pp. 195-204.
be user
vity for
rea and
s appear
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996