regions, and the edge lines of boundaries are still pre-
served. By the use of Cy and Cmaxz in the Gamma
MAP filter, the image becomes unclear due to the over
smoothing effect. The theoretical estimates Cy and
Cmaz are apparently higher compared with Fig. “1.
The filtered 3-look image shown in Fig. 3(b) was also
obtained by the same algorithm as that in Fig. 2(b).
Though the speckle in the image is reduced, the spa-
tial resolution is reduced as compared with the 1-look
The two thresholds of Cy and C,,,, in reducing
speckle for 1-look, 2-look, and 3-look of JERS-1/SAR
images have been estimated for the first time in the
present report. Then, the filtered images of 1-look,
2-look, and 3-look processes by use of these thresh-
olds were obtained and the speckle was successfully
reduced. The thresholds estimated from the Gamma
MAP filter have been applied to ERS-1/SAR and C-
SAR images so far.
The theoretical estimates of the thresholds for JESR-
1/SAR images are apparently high. The discrepancy
between the theoretical and the observed estimates for
JERS-1/SAR may be due to the assumption of the
Gamma MAP filtering. The speckle and the radar
reflectivity are both assumed to be a Gamma distri-
bution in the Gamma MAP filter. However, the dis-
tribution of the coefficient of variation C(t) of JERS-
1/SAR could be estimated as a Gaussian distribtion
from Fig. 1(a), (b).
The present work was partially supported by a
Grant-in-Aid for Science Research (C) [1995-1996,
No.07680497] from the Ministry of Education of
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996