Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

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of various sources in one instrument. Though it is 
increasingly difficult to draw the line between pho- 
togrammetry, remote sensing and GIS areas. 
2 Cost factors of digital photogrammetry 
It is quite clear that DPW solution and new features 
are able to bring much higher productivity into pho- 
togrammetric production. But DPW has been consid- 
ered to be very expensive technology. Cost factors in- 
fluencing digital photogrammetric production can be 
divided into four groups: 
1. Computer hardware and system software 
2. Image processing hardware and software 
3. Maintenance fee 
4. Cost of labour 
2.1 Computer hardware and system software 
Most of DPW currently run on UNIX workstations 
with RISC processors and special-purpose graphics 
accelerators. These workstations are quite expensive 
(reasonably equipped — from 30,000 US$ upwards) and 
are usually used only for these special photogrammet- 
ric tasks. UNIX software is also very expensive in 
common as well as the use of UNIX environment in- 
creases expenses for training and wages of operators. 
Therefore to reduce the expenses on computers and 
software, new digital photogrammetric systems should 
run on a standard personal computer with minimal 
attachments. The advantages of RISC processors and 
special-purpose accelerators over Intel CISC proces- 
sors and PC plug-and-play architecture are rapidly 
disappearing, Pentium and new P6 processors offer 
adequate power for most of DPW tasks. 
The use of standard personal computers creates the 
possibility to utilize them for other tasks and to in- 
crease the effectiveness of hardware as well as soft- 
ware expenses. Standard PC software is also cheaper 
in common and the use of standard Windows environ- 
ment (MS Windows, Windows 95, Windows NT) is for 
many people well known and quite natural. So that 
the use of standard PC environment can also decrease 
expenses for operator training. The same look and 
feel of photogrammetric software with usual editors 
and computer tools also brings higher productivity to 
their utilization. 
2.2 Image processing hardware and software 
The biggest problem of digital photogrammetry seems 
to be scanning and image data storage, because of 
its size. Primary data collection is still nearly always 
made by conventional photogrammetry, when digital 
photogrammetric systems need a conversion of the 
analogue image to digital format by scanning. Prices 
of the equipment for this purpose can range from 2,000 
US$ to 300,000 USS. 
One aerial black-and-white photograph in 23 x 23 cm 
format scanned on 1000 DPI represents about 100 MB 
image data. In the case of true colour images it is even 
three times more. It means that in the case of stereo 
pair and its orthophoto it is necessary to have 1 GB of 
free disk space for true colour raster data processing. 
Image compression techniques and modern computer 
storage devices (such as optical disks and high capac- 
ity tapes) can currently solve the problem with storage 
capacity for data archives but it still remains need for 
fast and large disks for data processing. 
Another problem seems to be the price of DPW soft- 
ware. Current professional systems are mostly run- 
ning in UNIX environment. So that it is very diffi- 
cult to find system, which offers full range of func- 
tionality with price up to 10,000 US$. To take full 
advantage of digital photogrammetry, it is necessary 
to support main photogrammetric tasks (such as dig- 
ital orthophoto processing, automatic generation of 
DEM and stereoplotting) as well as close link with 
full-featured GIS system. The use of standard per- 
sonal computer environment also enable users to use 
all advantages of current software integration and in- 
creases effectiveness of software expenses. 
2.3 Maintenance fee 
There are no mechanical /optical moving parts and in- 
struments in digital photogrammetry, thereby elimi- 
nating and reducing maintenance difficulty. But hard- 
ware and software maintenance fee should be consid- 
ered. From this point of view standard PC environ- 
ment greatly reduces maintenance fee. Plug-and-play 
PC architecture enable users smoothly upgrade power 
and capacity of computer (processor, memory, disks, 
other peripherals). It is also possible to move special 
equipment and software for photogrammetry to new 
(and more powerful) computer and use older hardware 
for other tasks. 
UNIX operating system and environment was consid- 
ered more reliable and well-suited for large computa- 
tional tasks and big data management, which is neces- 
sary for image processing and digital photogrammetry. 
Windows NT have currently the same reliability and 
provide also sufficient features for large computations 
and big data management. Software for Windows 
95 and Windows NT can currently utilize standard 
system functionality such as preemptive multitasking, 
multithreading, advanced OpenGL graphics etc. 
2.4 Labour costs 
Even though a lot of operations can be done auto- 
matically there is still a lot of manual work. Com- 
puter programs have to be operated, control points 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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