Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

and fiducial marks have to be located and all auto- 
matic operations have to be followed by verification 
and editing. Reducing of the cost of hardware and on 
the other hand high cost of labour with the increased 
demand for spatial data for GIS will cause desire for 
other automatic operations. 
At this moment most photogrammetric operators are 
not skilled in the management of large data volumes 
(GBytes of data in computer files) and the complex 
manipulation of the DPW software. The operator 
can be less skilled in photogrammetry but should be 
more skilled in computer operations in the future. It 
is likely that a new type of photogrammetric special- 
ist is to emerge. They will be experts in software 
and file manipulation who has developed expertise in 
the photogrammetric operations. The use of standard 
PC environment can significantly help in technology 
utilization, make photogrammetry more wide-spread 
as well as decrease expenses on labour training and 
3 PhoTopoL 
In this section we would like to introduce a live ex- 
ample of cost-effective solution for digital photogram- 
metry based on our product PhoTopoL. PhoTopoL is 
a powerful low-cost software application developed by 
Help Service - Mapping Ltd. (Prague, Czech Repub- 
lic) for production of precise maps from aerial photog- 
raphy. The system is supplied in three versions with 
gradual levels of functionality. The most advanced 
version of the system provides all main functionality 
of DPW mentioned above. 
PhoTopoL performs orthorectification to remove geo- 
metric distortions and the effects of terrain relief dis- 
placement in aerial photos. PhoTopoL also produces 
Digital Elevation Models by correlation of stereo pair. 
Its stereo plotting capabilities provide very good tool 
for preparation and updating digital maps and DEMs. 
More over full-featured GIS system (TopoL) is in- 
cluded in PhoTopoL and all data are captured directly 
for the use in TopoL GIS. PhoTopoL is running on a 
standard personal computer in MS Windows environ- 
3.1 Image orientation 
PhoTopoL supports image stereo pair parameter set- 
tings, such as internal and external orientation ele- 
ments, and image orientation calculations. Absolute 
orientation of a photo or a stereo pair can be calcu- 
lated on the basis of following methods: 
e standard relative orientation and spatial trans- 
formation of a DEM into ground coordinates 
e Bundle Adjustment method 
To calculate an absolute orientation of one image or 
a stereo pair, it is necessary to provide following pa- 
e camera parameters (calibration protocol), focus 
length, coordinates of fiducial marks 
e flight altitude (approximate, not quite impor- 
tant), which is usually printed on the photo- 
e four fully specified (X, Y, Z coordinates) control 
points at least 
3.2 Orthorectification 
PhoTopoL provides orthorectification functionality. 
Orthorectification removes the effects of relief dis- 
placement and imaging geometry from aerial photos. 
Rectification can be done in our system pixel by pixel 
or by triangles where users are able define the size of 
triangles. In that case the system works faster but 
one has to take into account the relief of scene and 
the influence of generalization when it is substituted 
by network of triangles. Grey values or colours can 
be calculated by Nearest Neighbourhood method or 
by Bipolar Interpolation. Orthorectified imagery has 
broad applications in both photogrammetric and GIS 
3.3 Digital Elevation Models Generation 
PhoTopoL DEM Generation version enable users to 
generate DEMs automatically from image stereo pairs. 
Special algorithm for image stereo pair correlation was 
developed for PhoTopoL in Laboratory of Computer 
Vision at Czech Technical University (see [7]). By us- 
ing these stereo correlation algorithms, the system is 
able to extract elevation values from image stereo pair. 
The system uses pyramid method during correlation 
process. The output are single points with informa- 
tion about results of correlation stored in joined exter- 
nal database. These values can serve for selection of 
points used for created DEM. PhoTopoL is equipped 
with own module for small- and middle-scale DEM 
generation, which is able transform point collections 
as well as contour lines into raster DEM form. After- 
wards Raster DEM forms primary base for orthorec- 
tification process in all versions of the PhoTopoL sys- 
PhoTopoL provides also direct link to ATLAS system, 
which is another Czech product developed for specific 
tasks of DEM creation, edit, calculations, analyses and 
visualization. ATLAS enables users to create flexible 
elevation models for generating contour lines from se- 
lected points. This module includes a powerful engine 
for adding and editing breaklines and obligatory lines, 
perspective three-dimensional views, profile calcula- 
tions etc. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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