Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

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An ATM network at OC-3 (155 MBit/s) and two FORE 
Systems switches (ASX-200, ASX-100) are currently in 
place for initial trials. An ATM connection to Vienna via the 
high-speed DQDB (E3, 34 MBit/sec) network is scheduled to 
be available on demand. 
4.2 GDSS Software 
Software is being created by means of several projects. 
An Interactive Venus Atlas provides users with a tool to 
interactively browse the surface of planet Venus. This can be 
done via a GUI in different levels of detail. An important 
goal of the project is to guarantee a cross platform unified 
software tool. JAVATM is used to implement the Venus Atlas 
as an interactive WWW page. A JAVATM supporting browser 
like Netscape 2.x must be used to interact with the system. 
The Retrieval Client implemented as a special purpose soft- 
ware gives the possibility to optimally address the needs of 
the GDSS. This could raise serious problems. The GDSS is 
designed as a large distributed system with WAN geographic 
scope. Hence many heterogeneous hardware platforms and 
operating systems at the user sites could be involved. The 
development of a version for each operating system would be 
necessary. Furthermore each time a new version is 
introduced a time consuming distribution has to take place 
and every single user site has to install the new software 
These problems can also be solved using the JAVATM pro- 
gramming language. JAVATM supports the development of 
so called “applets“, software pieces that are sent via the net 
from the CS to the user site and are executed locally. 
COSMO, an integrated development environment for 
JAVATM which is available from Silicon Graphics Inc. will 
be used for implementation. Due to using the Netscape's GUI 
the application always has the same appearance independent 
of the underlying operating system. In addition, the update 
problem is implicitly solved by storing the "applets* at the 
CS. The Web-browser will always download the latest 
version via the Local Server. 
The Spatial Data Structure is based on an ongoing investi- 
gation of modified R-trees (Samet, 1990) for handling 
points/regions of interest and coverage queries. Results of 
this work will show whether a special more expensive spatial 
RDBMS must be used or a simple SQL capable RDBMS will 
address the requirements of the GDSS. 
The Data Processing Server supports parallel execution of 
user requested image processing algorithms. Some computa- 
tionally intensive image algorithms have already been paral- 
lelized. A tool named HUGO has been developed to 
distribute user defined jobs throughout a work station cluster, 
to collect the results and finally to present them to the user 
(Goller, 95). 
4.3 Data Experiments 
The validity and efficiency of the GDSS concepts will be 
tested by means of several remote access data experiments. 
Distribution of the Interactive Venus Atlas: As soon as the 
Interactive Venus Atlas is working locally we will perform 
between the two institutes in Graz. The browser will be at 
one site and map tiles at the other. Interactivity via an ATM 
network will be verified. 
Retrieval of full resolution data serves to list the WAN scope 
of an ATM based full resolution data retrieval from Vienna. 
Distributed Image Processing is being built around a port of 
HUGO to SUN platforms using the public domain Parallel 
Virtual Machine (PVM) library for interprocess communica- 
tion. This library is supported by several different platforms 
including Paragon, Meiko CS-2, SUN, SGI. As a result of 
this project a set of parallelized image processing algorithms 
will be running on a heterogeneous workstation cluster be- 
tween the two participating institutes in Graz. Communica- 
tion will be accomplished via an OC-3 (155 MBit/sec) ATM 
link and a FORE ASX-200 switch. The speed up in compari- 
son to a standard Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) will be measured. 
Annotation of remote sensing data: Scientific personnel as 
well as commercial users often need expert advice on the 
image data they want to order. Currently this is a tedious 
process in terms of not having the desired possibility to 
annotate the image data on-line during the browsing process. 
Participation in the European Union's DIANE project as an 
associated partner of the VCPC in Vienna results in a pilot 
trial showing the benefits of a multimedia annotation tool in 
connection with an on-line video conference. 
4.4 Simulations 
The efficiency and functionality of the suggested network 
layout is being tested using the CACI COMNET-III network 
simulator. A realistic implementation of the GDSS with an 
ATM WAN geographic scope must include applications and 
data transfer. ATM specific details such as Quality of 
Service, support of stream oriented traffic, isochronous 
services and the influence of different switch buffer sizes on 
the TCP performance (Hongqing, 1996) can be investigated 
in more detail by means of simulations. ' 
A recent Austrian remote sensing initiative is a project de- 
noted as *Multi-Image Synergistic Satellite Information for 
the Observation of Nature* (MISSION) (Leberl, 1995). This 
project combines more than 16 partners in a collaborative 
effort. The requirements for accessing images greatly re- 
semble those of the GDSS. Data from multiple missions such 
as SPOT, Landsat, ERS 1/2, KFA-photography and MOMS- 
Priroda need to be made available to all participants, each 
having special interests and geographic requirements. 
The Austrian Post and Telecom has introduced ISDN with an 
areal coverage of 100%. We want to investigate the usability 
of the GDSS concepts using ISDN technology by developing 
a prototype scenario within the MISSION project. This 
project could be extended to medical applications such as 
remote diagnostics and on-line annotation by multiple ex- 
perts at locations all over Austria. 
The stimulus for the GDSS project drives from the planetary 
image processing requirements, as reflected in NASA's PDS. 
However, we are optimistic that ideas, concepts and software 
of the GDSS can also be applied to international Earth- 
observation projects such as the European Union's Center for 
Earth Observation (CEO) or NASA's Mission to Planet Earth 
(MTPE), and national programs such as Austria's project 
MISSION. And we hope that the ideas, software and experi- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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