Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

Figure 5: A simulated ERS-1 image of the scene shown in 
Figure 1. A chi-square distributed random number speckle 
file was multiplied pixel by pixel with the image from Figure 
2. The number of independent looks is three. 
Figure 6: This image was obtained from Figure 5 using a 
(3x3) local neighborhood blurring. 
olution cell. A speckle file was generated as described before 
by averaging Rayleigh distributed random numbers together, 
but the size of that speckle file was just k times the size of 
the simulated image. The speckle file was then resampled to 
the size of the simulated image, using a bilinear interpolation 
transformation, and then the simulated image and the re- 
sampled speckle file where multiplied together pixel by pixel. 
Figure 7 was obtained by using three independent looks and 
a resampling factor of k = 0.5, which is the ratio for the real 
ERS-1 image. 
Compared to the real ERS-1 image (Figure 1), both the blur- 
ring and the resampling algorithm were found to produce re- 
sults which deviate from the corresponding real image more 
than the images obtained without considering the difference 
between resolution cell and pixel size. This means that in the 
case of our ERS-1 simulation blurring or resampling seems 
not to be appropriate, because it degrades the resolution. 
The principles of SAR speckle generation and its statistical 
properties were briefly discussed in the introduction. Then, 
we presented four different speckle simulation methods de- 
scribed in the literature. Some ideas from these approaches 
led to our own implementation of speckle simulation into an 
existing SAR image simulator. In a practical application to 
multi-look ERS-1 images, the most realistic results were ob- 
tained by using a chi-square distribution on the one hand, 
Figure 7: This image was obtained from Figure 2 by averaging 
three Rayleigh distributed speckle files, and applying a bilinear 
interpolation algorithm with a resampling coefficient of 0.5. 
and a Rayleigh distribution with multiple file averaging on 
the other hand. The application of additional blurring or re- 
sampling algorithms, in order to account for the differences 
between pixel resolution and radar resolution, was found to 
lead to an undesired degradation in resolution. 
The authors would like to thank Dr. Helmut Rott from the 
Institute for Meteorology and Geophysics at the University of 
Innsbruck for providing the esa-ERS-1 data. Dr. Rott is Prin- 
cipal Investigator of the AO/Experiment A1. We gratefully 
acknowledge his cooperation. 
This study was partly funded by the Austrian Academy of 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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