4.1 Self-organizing feature map
Kohonen Self-Organizing feature Map (SOM) is neural
network which is trained using competitive learning.
Basic competitive learning means that competition
process takes place before each cycle of learning.
Competition process means that a winning processing
element is chosen by some criteria. After the winning
processing element is chosen, its weight vector is
adapted according to the used learning law (Hecht-
Nielsen, 1990).
SOM creates topologically ordered mappings between
input data and processing elements of the map.
Topologically ordered means that if two inputs are
similar, then the most active processing elements
responding to inputs are located near each other in the
map and the weight vectors of the processing elements
are arranged to ascending or descending order, w; < w;,,
all i or w; » w;,, all i (this definition is valid for 1-
dimensional SOM). Motivation behind SOM is that some
sensory processing areas of brain are ordered in similar
way (Kangas 1994).
SOM is usually represented as a two dimensional matrix
(also other dimensions can be used) of processing
elements. Each processing element has its own weight
vector and learning of SOM is based on the adaptation
of these weight vectors (Kohonen, 1990).
The processing elements of the network are made
competitive in a self-organizing process and the winning
processing element whose weights are updated is chosen
by some criteria. Usually this criteria is to minimize
Euclidean distance between input vector and weight
vector. SOM differs from basic competitive learning so
that instead of adapting only the weight vector of the
winning processing element also weight vectors of
neighboring processing elements are adapted. First, the
size of the neighborhood is large making rough ordering
of SOM possible and size is decreased as time goes on.
Finally, in the end only a winning processing element is
adapted making the fine tuning of SOM possible. The
use of neighborhood makes topologically ordering process
possible dnd together with competitive learning makes
process nonlinear (Kohonen, 1990).
The basic idea is that the weight vectors of the
processing elements approximate the probability density
function of the input vectors. In other words, there are
many weight vectors close to each other in high density
areas of the density function and less weight vectors in
low density areas.
Mathematically speaking, SOM learns a continuous
topological mapping f: B c R^ — C c R". This is
nonlinear mapping from d-dimensional space of input
vectors to m-dimensional space of SOM. Strict
mathematical analysis exists only in simplified cases of
SOM. It has been proved difficult to express the dynamic
properties of SOM to mathematical theorems (Kohonen,
4.2 SOM learning algorithm
1. Initialize weights to small random values.
Choose input randomly from dataset.
3. Compute Euclidean distance to all
4. Select winning processing element 7 with minimum
distance. Winning processing element is also called
best matching unit (BMU).
5. Update weight vectors to processing element j and its
neighbors using following learning law. The learning
law moves weight vector toward input vector.
wit+1) - w, * a(Q(x() - wf), (8)
where gain term ao (0<o<1) decreases in time. Also,
size of neighborhood decreases in time (only those
weight vectors of processing elements are updated,
which belong to the neighborhood). Here processing
element belongs to the neighborhood, if d.(j,1)<T,
where d, is the Chebyshev distance, j is the winning
processing element, ; is another processing element
and T is the threshold which decreases in time.
6. Go to step 2 or stop iteration when enough inputs are
presented. (Lippmann, 1987)
4.3 SOM in feature extraction
SOM is usually arranged as a two dimensional matrix
(also other dimensions can be used) of processing
elements. As a result of learning phase, those processing
elements which are spatially close to each other respond
in similar way to the presented input pattern. In other
words, map is topologically ordered. Also, SOM makes
nonlinear transformation from d-dimensional inputspace
to m-dimensional mapspace. Mapspace is defined by he
coordinates of the processing elements. All these
properties are useful in feature extraction.
In feature extraction, original feature vector is presented
to SOM and its winning processing element and its
mapcoordinates are searched. These mapcoordinates
could be used as a transformed features, but usually
there is limited number of processing elements and
many different inputvectors get same coordinates. This
means that if the density function of inputvectors is
continuous, the density function of transformed vectors
is not continuous.
Better way to make transformation is to use distances
computed during the search of the winning processing
element. There are two alternatives:
A. Weighted mean of mapcoordinates are computed
using inverse distances from inputvector to
weightvectors as weights. These mean values are
used as a transformed vector.
B. The coordinates of BMU are searched and distances
computed from inputvector to BMU (d,) and the
second closest weightvectors (dy) in row and column
direction. Transformed value is coordinate of BMU =
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996
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