Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

practical purposes it is quite adequate. Experiments by 
Mikhail (1992), Madani (1993) and Walker (1995) indicate, 
however, that with image resolutions of perhaps 20 um or 
better DPWSs lose little in measurement accuracy compared to 
analytical plotters. Two modes of movement are possible: 
fixed image moving cursor is much easier to implement than 
fixed cursor moving image owing to the hardware limitations 
noted above. Sub-pixel movement has been achieved by 
custom built hardware in military systems but has been little 
offered by commercial vendors. It is possible only by using 
zoomed images, though Zeiss has apparently used aliasing, i.e. 
small changes in the shape of the cursor, to achieve an optical 
effect similar to sub-pixel movement. 
2.3.3 Stereoscopic viewing. A useful account of all the 
possibilities for stereoscopic viewing was given by Petrie 
(1983) 13 years ago! A strong argument can be made that the 
best way to achieve stereoscopic viewing is by displaying the 
left and right images on separate monitors. This was achieved 
in the expensive DSCC, for example, by means of optical 
trains, but it has not been popular in commercial systems 
partly because of cost and partly owing to technical 
difficulties. Nevertheless, Matra used an arrangement of two 
monitors at right angles, with horizontal and vertical 
polarisations sheets in front of them and a semi-reflector 
between them to give the required superimposition. The low 
cost DVP system from Leica has split screen stereo, i.e. the 
left and right images are displayed alongside one another and 
viewed through a simple stereoscope. This works well enough 
and is inexpensive, though the number of pixels in each 
window may be quite small, but the use of the same 
stereoscope has not proved popular with the Leica-Helava 
systems, which also have split screen stereo as a standard 
function on the console monitor. The split screen approach, of 
course, permits only one operator to view the stereoscopic 
image, whereas the methods described below enable several 
people to see the imagery in stereo at the same time. 
The most popular solution for stereoscopic viewing has proved 
to be the display of left and right images, in quick succession 
(60 Hz per image, giving the 120 Hz figure noted above), on 
the same screen, which is viewed through a system developed 
for just this purpose. One or two systems, such as the R-WEL 
DMS and the early Terragon system, use an inexpensive 
anaglyph approach, by displaying the two images in red and 
green; as in its use in Multiplex and similar plotters, this 
approach is limited to black and white imagery. Two 
technologies are in more common use. The more popular, and 
less expensive, is CrystalEyes® from the StereoGraphics 
Corporation, where the screen is viewed through eyewear 
containing PZLT or LCD alternating shutters which are 
synchronised with the image display by direct wiring to the 
controller or by an infrared emitter usually mounted on top of 
the screen. The information to achieve this synchronisation is 
obtained via a port on the graphics sub-system located beside 
the connector for the RGB cable. Although the only 
requirement of the monitor is the high refresh rate, rather few 
monitors are available in sizes greater than 21 inches. In 
addition to Intergraph’s excellent 27 inch units, there are only 
one or two monitors in each of the 29, 33 and 37 inch sizes. 
The alternative to CrystalEyes® is polarised viewing, where a 
bezel containing an electronic prism is mounted on the front of 
the monitor and is synchronised using the same data from the 
graphics sub-system as was mentioned above; this polarises 
the left and right hand images in clockwise and counter- 
clockwise directions. The screen is viewed through polarised 
spectacles. The addition of the bezel makes the monitor rather 
expensive and the range of sizes available is small. The main 
manufacturer of these systems is NuVision, a spinoff company 
from Tektronix in Beaverton, Oregon. The 19 inch size has 
been the most popular, though a number of 17 inch Tektronix 
systems are in use and were offered by several vendors 
including Matra. The spectacles are lighter weight than for 
CrystalEyes®, do not need batteries and are much less 
expensive. NuVision systems seem to be preferred at present 
by vendors offering dual screen systems, whereas they are not 
used at all in single screen ones. 
Stereoscopic DPWs may be further classified according to the 
number of monitors supplied. Some vendors offer single screen 
systems, which obviously cost less than dual screen, at the 
danger of having a rather cluttered screen. The CrystalEyes® 
system is preferred for these systems, because it works with 
virtually any fast refresh monitor and its basic cost is lower 
than NuVision. Other vendors prefer dual screen approaches, 
arguing that the second screen is used only for the stereoscopic 
image and so is less congested and so more relaxing for the 
user. Leica-Helava use the term “extraction monitor” for this 
“second head”. Though the vendors of two screen systems 
offer both viewing systems, there is a slight preference for 
NuVision, probably owing the lighter, less “scifi” appearance 
of the spectacles and the lower cost of replacement or 
furnishing multiple sets for “plotting by committee”. Also, it is 
common to suffer severe flickering when viewing the console 
monitor through CrystalEyes® eyewear, because it is out of 
synchronisation with the stereo monitor; thus the two screens 
should be set with a significant angular distance between them, 
so that the eyewear switches off when the operator turns 
his/her head sufficiently away from the emitter. There is no 
problem viewing the console monitor through the NuVision 
spectacles. The comparative quality of the stereoscopic image 
seen with the two systems seems to be a matter of taste, 
depending as much on the individual operator and ambient 
light conditions as on the viewing technology itself. 
2.3.4 Superimposition. Since its first appearance early in the 
1980s, superimposition of vector data over the stereoscopic 
image has been an important topic for APs and, to a much 
lesser extent, for analogue plotters. It has been acknowledged 
that the role of superimposition for quality control through on- 
line checks on both accuracy and completeness is a useful one 
and that it makes photogrammetry a much more productive 
tool for map revision, but it is an expensive option. On DPWs, 
however, it is possible to have colour, stereo superimposition 
as a standard feature. It is purely a matter of software to 
achieve this and many of the graphics boards include hardware 
or firmware to assist the process. 
2.4 Control devices 
There is a feeling in the industry that DPWs are computer 
based and movement in the imagery should be performed by 
means of computer devices, i.e. mouse and keyboard. This is 
not necessarily ideal for photogrammetrists, who are used to 
precise positioning and contouring using devices refined over 
decades for maximum accuracy and comfort, such as free 
moving hand controllers, hand wheels and foot disks. The use 
of foot switches for data collection is also common as an 
alternative to mouse buttons. 
Not surprisingly, therefore, DPW vendors have been offering a 
multiplicity of devices to meet this requirement. Again, 
Intergraph have played a pioneering role by offering a variant 
of their distinctive hand controller seen first on the IMA AP. 
In digital photogrammetry, of course, the hand controller 
should incorporate buttons to perform a wider range of tasks 
than on APs, for example changing level in the image pyramid, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 
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