a threshold T,:
(g? = 42 X (gt = gy ^ I (3)
From these two line segments a line in 3D-space can
exactly be determined. The line segments of (r1) and
(I1) are projected onto the line in space and furnish
line segments in space. À match is only assumed to
be true if the overlap in space is higher than a certain
threshold I',. Currently we claim a relative overlap in
space of 50% minimum.
In the next step possible matches in the consequent
image pairs are searched. If a line in the left image
(12) has a similar length and orientation as in the left
image (I1), i.e. the absolute differences are less than
some thresholds T; and Te, this line is a possible can-
didate. Now we check whether the grey value diffe-
rence is the smallest one for all lines in image (12).
If this condition is fulfilled as well we make a geome-
trical test: the projection of the reconstructed line in
3D-space into the image (/2) is compared with the
candidate line. For the orientation of image (/2) we
use the estimates from the wheel sensors. If their dif-
ferences again lie beneeth thresholds l'», and I, we
finally accept the candidate line as a possible match.
The same procedure is performed with all lines of
the right image (r2). An initial correspondence is only
kept if a corresponding line in (/2) or (r2) is found.
This quite complicate procedure gives a number
of possible matches that are most probable linked
to really corresponding line segments. Typically the
matches are not unique: some lines are matched more
than once.
5 Camera Orientation
An orientation algorithm which estimates the orienta-
tion of the camera pair in ta is presented. The abso-
lute orientation is determined in the local coordinate
system. All measurements are performed in a local
coordinate system defined by the first image pair: the
camera (/1) lies in the co-ordinate origin. In a la-
ter processing the measurement results obtained in
this local coordinate system can be transformed into
a global co-ordinate system using GPS observations.
As already mentioned, the relative orientation of
the camera pair remains constant. The orientation of
both cameras is therefore completely described by the
known orientation of one (in our case the left) camera.
The orientation algorithm uses straight lines to de-
termine the exterior orientation. It is based on the
method presented in [7] and only uses the line para-
meters of the observed lines. At least three lines in
at least three images are needed to calculate the exte-
rior orientation. They must not be parallel in space.
The unknown parameters of the lines in space and
the unknown exterior orientation are determined in a
least square approach. The parameters of the image
lines are compared with those calculated from the pro-
jection of the lines in space into the image with the
assumed orientation. The weighted square differences
of the line parameters in the images 1s minimized.
The orientation starts with the lines in the ima-
ges with the highest radiometric similarity. The
Schwermann-algorithm [7] is performed once. If there
are false matches, the algorithm will not converge to
the correct values. There are two possibilities to de-
tect this case. A low accuracy of the calculated lines
in space indicates false matchings. These are elimi-
nated and the process is repeated until the algorithm
converges to reasonable values. If orientation values
are near to the approximation determined from the
wheel sensors, this orientation is accepted.
6 Finding Optimal Line
6.1 Optimisation Algorithm
It is assumed that N possible assignments are given.
We denote the assignments with C;, i € (1... NN).
Every assignment contains a list of matched elements
xU) j is the image number (j = 1,..., M) and M is
the number of available images.
C= (iV, x, 438 2M,
'Null matches! where no object in one image is mat-
ched are allowed as well. The task is now to find a
set of optimal assignments. We are looking for a set
Q being a subset of (1,2,..., N), the set of all pos-
sible assignments. The number of assignments in 2
is denoted with |Q]. © has to fulfill a compatibility
restriction. The compatibility or uniqueness restric-
tion requires that every object must only be matched
zt) + 20) Vie (1, MM), amd i,k EQ iL k
Further on we claim that the selected assignment
set is ’better’ than every other assignment set. For
this purpose we construct a cost function K (2) that
describes the quality of an assignment set. The cost
function K(f) has to be minimized. A possible cost
function is presented in the next paragraph. We as-
sume here that the cost function depends on two fac-
tors: attribute costs K4 and relational costs Kg.
Then we get the following cost function:
K@) =) KaC)+)_ M5 Ka(CoC;. (4)
ien 1EN 7EN,j>1
For ervery || there exists an optimal solution £2. To
find the optimal soultion we use a branch-and-bound
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996
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