Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

chart drawing facility. GNUPLOT also creates its results as 
PPM raster files on the server. 
To combine the output of GRASS and GNUPLOT we need 
further tools to combine the results and merge them to- 
gether for displaying as a thematic map. The process is 
outlined in figure 3. The PBMPLUS-programs (Anonym- 
ous, 1995) are used to convert PPM-files to GIF and Tom 
Boutell's gd-library (Boutell, 1995) and Martin Gleeson's Fly- 
Tool (Gleeson, 1995) are used to patch together and mark up 
the various images to get a final map as shown in figure 4. 
Interface for DB - 
Chart Generation Output 
-—--—* |GNUPLOT 
p e ee EI 
= Interface for 
P T Map Generation ~~" GRASS 
3 Interface for ~~~ | PBM-TOOLS 
Image Processing Functions ETT AS 
Figure 3: Map composition and preparation 
In this paper we have presented some aspects of an Environ- 
mental Information System based on WWW. A more detailed 
description can be found in (Mayer-Fóll and Jaeschke, 1995) 
where the work of other GLOBUS team members has been 
published, e.g. on line hypertext documents on toxic waste 
deposits, keyword tools, in depth evaluation of some CORBA 
products and CCI applications. 
At a client's workstation, only a Web Browser is used - no 
further software components are needed for browsing hyper- 
text documents, accessing relational and other databases, the 
display of maps and tabular data as business graphics charts. 
The current Web Architecture has some drawbacks, which 
severely limit the interactivity of graphically oriented and 
forms based applications, creating a big load on the WWW 
To address this we are currently evaluating JAVA and JAVA 
enabled browsers to move some processing steps back to the 
client. For example JAVA will allow us, to perform some local 
error checking, drawing of vector data on the client screen and 
perform local interactions like zooming and panning without 
any server involvement. 
On the server side we are looking at the OGIS (Buehler, 1994) 
and ISO activities to implement a CORBA encapsulation for 
certain GIS operators and data access methods. This will - 
in the long run - make the WWW based EIS independent of 
proprietary GIS software systems. 
5.1 Acknowledgements 
The project GLOBUS has been financed by the Ministry of En- 
vironmental Protection of the State of Baden-Wiirttem berg, 
Germany. The project has been overseen by a steering com- 
mittee, staffed by people from various state agencies. We 
gratefully acknowledge their fruitful discussions and support. 
The students S. Behrens, U. Beutler, C. Habeck, P. Kirsch, B. 
Mayer, P. Palmer, C. Rolker, O. Scheffczyk, M. Schoel and 
M. Walz were instrumental in the implementation effort at 
FZI. At IPF, the students M. Bose, C. Hofmann, H. Krassin 
and A. Trager were involved in implementing GIS services and 
visualization tools. We gratefully acknowledge their support. 
Anonymous (1994). Gnuplot manual and sources. Technical 
report. ftp://ftp.dartmouth.edu/pub/gnuplot. 
als and 
Pbm plus 
Boutell, T. (1995). Gd-library manual and sources. Technical 
report. ftp://isis.cshl.org/pub/gd. 
Buehler, K. (1994). The open geodata interoperability spe- 
cification. In Draft base Document - OGIS Project Doc- 
ument 94-025R2. 
Bussmann, M., Schuch, A., Tischendorf, M., and Schmidt, 
F. (1995). Benutzerhandbuch Kommunikationsinter- 
preter. Technical report, Landesanstalt für Umwelts- 
chutz Baden-Württemberg, ITZ, Karlsruhe. 
December, J. and Randall, N. (1994). The World Wide Web 
Unleashed. Sams Publishers, Indianapolis. 
Eager, B. (1994). Using The World Wide Web. Que Corp. 
Gleeson, M. (1995). Fly-tool manual 
and sources. Technical report. 
Hess, G. and Schultze, A., editors (1995). Umweltin- 
formationssystem Baden-Württemberg, Dokumentation 
des UIS-Workshops am 15.5.1995. Umweltministerium 
Baden-Württem berg, FAW Ulm. 
Hofmann, C. (1996). Ein Toolkit für die Entwicklung in- 
teraktiver WWW Applikationen. Technical report, IPF, 
Universität Karlsruhe. Unveröffentlichte Studienarbeit. 
Koschel, A., Kramer, R., Nikolai, R., Hagg, W., Wiesel, J., 
and Jacobs, H. (1996). A federation architecture for 
an environmental information system incorporating gis, 
the world wide web, and corba. In Proceedings Third 
International Conference/Workshop on Integrating GIS 
and Environmental Modeling. National Center for Geo- 
graphic Information and Analysis (NCGIA), Santa Fe, 
New Mexico, USA. 
Kramer, R. and Spandl, H. (1995). Metadatenzugriff 
in weitverkehrsnetzen: Eine realisierung am beispiel 
des umweltdatenkatalogs udk. |n Huber-Wáschle, F., 
Schauer, H., and Widmayer, P., editors, Herausforder- 
ungen eines globalen Informationsverbundes f'ur die 
Informatik; 25. Gl-Jahrestagung und 13. Schweizer 
Informatikertag, Informatik Aktuell, pages 610-617. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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