Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

Thus, an experimental working station 
based on the suggested set of hardware 
equipment and developed technological 
software has been formed to accomplish 
the whole complex of operations for 
horizontal-vertical control network 
bridging. The adjustment of blocks can be 
done by using program package 
"Photoblock" (TsNIIGAiK) and "Photocom" 
The efficiency of the technology is 
defined by a number of factors. They are 
as follows: 
-an exclusion of artificial point 
marking with all necessary expensive 
instruments from the technological cycle; 
- an increase of coordinate pointing 
precision thanks to the use of digital 
transfer and to high instrumental precision 
of the analytical plotter being a basis of 
the new technology; 
- an automatization of processes of 
project designing and stereoscopic 
measurements, and control of the results 
of major procedures. 
The efficiency of the technology has been 
proved, in addition to its efficient 
theoretical solutions, by the results of 
experimental studies carried out at 
AP by using photographs obtained from 
1:5 000 aerial survey of the referenced 
test area. For this purpose an aerial 
camera with a view angle of 100 was 
used. The choice of these test area 
photographs attributed to the great number 
of the targets on them determined on the 
ground with an accuracy of 2 cm. So 
the use of these aerial photographs has 
provided reliable results of block 
According to the developed technology 
there has been adjusted a block consisted 
of three strips, each of them having 7 
photographs. RMS errors for the check 
points at X, Y and Z coordinates from the 
block adjustment by the "Photocom" 
program are respectively 3, 3, 7 cm. It 
allows compilation of a 1:500 scaled 
topographic plan with contour intervals of 
0.5 m for a flat relief, although due to 
normative documents the scale of aerial 
survey for a similar plan to be compiled 
should be 1:3000. 
Time-consumption records have been 
taken during aerotriangulation procedures 
based on the suggested technology with 
automated point coordinate 
measurements on "Stereoanagraph". The 
time-study has shown that in comparison 
with the technologies of artificial point 
marking currently applied in mapping 
production the new technology provides a 
productivity increase in two times for 
marking and measurement operations, 
and - in 1.3 for the entire process of 
aerotriangulation - from project designing 
till final formation of a catalogue of the 
adjusted coordinates. A preliminary 
economical efficiency has been calculated 
using the data obtained. For this purpose 
some procedures and processes have 
been taken into account, in particular, 
aerial photography, geodetic bridging and 
aerotriangulation for steretopographic 
survey at scales of 1:5 000 - 1:500 
with contour intervals of 1.0 and 0.5 m. 
The developed technology of block 
aerotriangulation on the STEREO- 
ANAGRAPH analytical plotter leads to 
scale reduction of surveys by 1.5 due to a 
greater precision of block adjustment, as 
well, as leads to a productivity increase, 
and makes the routine work of an 
operator much easier. All these factors, 
as preliminary calculations have shown, 
gain an annual economical effect of 
about 50 million roubles per one working 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996

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