Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

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ISPRS Commission II 
Systems for Data Processing, Analysis and Representation 
During the period of 1992 - 1996 responsibility for Technical Commission II - Systems for 
Data Processing, Analysis and Representation - of the International Society for 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing resided with Geomatics Canada. Under the 
Commission, five Working Groups, one Inter-Commission Working Group and one Special 
Topic were active in promoting research and activities in the following areas: 
Real-time mapping technologies; 
Hardware and software aspects of GIS; 
Technologies for large volumes of spatial data; 
Systems for the processing of RADAR data; 
Integrated production systems; 
Digital photogrammetric systems; and 
Upgrading photogrammetric instruments. 
Commission II held its Technical Symposium in Ottawa, Canada from June 6 - 10, 1994 in 
conjunction with the Sixth Canadian Conference on GIS. Under the theme "a Shared 
Vision", the meeting provided an excellent technical program that extended over a five-day 
The recent past has demonstrated that our progress has been driven by advances in 
technology - GIS, soft-copy photogrammetry, remote sensing, GPS, and information 
technology (DBMS, communication and networking). It is clear that as technological 
advances continue they will have a major impact on how systems and information are 
applied to real world problems. An important aspect of such advances will be measured by 
degree of integration and communication between systems and data. 
The following volume is dedicated to continuing the advancement of systems for data 
processing, analysis and representation. It represents the hard-work and research of many 
persons from many parts of the world, who collectively continue the ISPRS tradition of 
cooperative technological advancement and scientific achievement. 
In closing, thanks is extended to all WG chairpersons, co-chairpersons and secretaries of 
Commission II, who have worked hard over the four years in preparation of the Vienna 
Congress. Special thanks is also made to our colleagues in the Geographic Information 
Systems and Service Division, Geomatics Canada. 
Dr. Mosaad Allam Gordon Plunkett Jeff Labonte 
President, Commission II Secretary, Commission II Co-secretary, Commission II 

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