Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

| Temporal Object - 
. Active o Non-active 
I Temporal Object Temporal Object ! 
' : Whel 
mmm “dE Le a EE EN Er e] chm em is re 
ym cs cirie mimm CURIE a a ZUR RTT - And 
: Current data ‘ futur 
: : datal 
1 (81, S» s Tiss T jnow) (Vi »Vi5 i iow» Ti now) (V k» Tk nowls T know) . wen 
: : shov 
B mm Re - - ^ »mi- —- «^. -— ww, o room TT TT TTttmnr- 3 recoil 
 —————————— a — pn p—— i} o— | p— a mem y deco 
: Historical data ! cons 
| S S T T ) (Vi, V i29 0 STi aowz 2x iow) (V ko T know2 vd know) i 
. ( 1» 9 9m » À js» * je (V iG V i09 io 9 T i now j Ti now:2 (V ks T know , Tk now-2) . Accc 
i its et l desc 
(V à, V 2, Tii, Tiz) (V x, T ki, Tx2) | at thi 
. (V. V 25-5 Ti o;Tii) (Vx, T xo, Tk1) : 
| I From 
Wa m CE I = — = un a a ENT NT 1 DON ST DITIOUT ON P100 
Fig.4 Temporal aspatial data in the non-1NF model reco 
Record . ID om Ts Lh Record_ ID L reco 
No No 
1 T Also 
05  : e: 1984 2 1 1002 2 endil 
1007 de: 1984 2 1003 3 track 
1008 b 1992 4 3 1004 4 Sine 
Table 3. Current 4 1005 -1 recoi 
| database that 
i 5 1006 5 tin 
7 1008 -3 spati 
L « 0: the parcel is in current database; subd 
L > 0: the land parcel is historical database; 
Table 4. Future index database 4.3 
in th 
Record_N ID iA Ts Te Lh Lf Numof 
= In th 
o Son its Il 
1 1001 i 1949 1977 0 1 2 attrit 
2 1002 X 1978 1983 1 3 2 N 
3 1003 e 1978 1983 1 5 2 stati: 
4 1004 s: 1984 1991 2 7 1 attri 
the c 
5 1006 we 1984 1991 3 7 1 to te 
Table 5. History database first! 
and ‘future’ of the 'current' parcel. There is only one  'parents' So, we can not treat spatial change in the 
'parent' and one 'son' active land parcel has no 'son' same way we treat aspatial change. The following 
in aspatial updating. But in land decomposition or data construct is used to represent the spatial 
consolidation, there are more than one 'sons'or temporal object: 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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