Dr. eng. Gh. CORCODEL,
Finsiel Romania
B-dul Ficusului nr.42, et II
sector 1, Bucuresti
For a long time, the Institute for Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Cartography and Land Management has been
concerned in using its photogrammetric analitical equipment as efficiently as possible. Having this aim in view.
stereometrograph has been assisted by pheripheal devices to edit digital data. A general digital data
presentation is firstly made to point out its efficiency in any GIS development. This paper describes harwares
assisting the stereometrograph. All the equipment has been manufactured in our country except the process
computer. At the same time, a software using this data in a GIS development for the general cadastre also
given. Finally, an example as graphs and tables covering a certain area is shown, as well.
KEY WORDS: Digital Data, Data Processing. GIS.
The main objective of this articol is the
constitution of a digital data-base as a support of
specified functions of cadaster which has at its base
the analogical stercorestitution. This is used to
obtain a topographical map with a double function:
on the one hand a function of storing up and on the
other hand a function of displaying. The both
functions are simltaneously involved on the
topographical map and this aspect causes great
difficulties in practical using of the topographical
For this reason we have to pass to a new
conception of creating a new topografical map.
The digital topografical map is considered to be a
data base because it contains all the necessary
informations for this plan. Indifferent of the
structural form of data the digital map is formed by
a lot of card indexes. containg graphical
informations ( those which refer to the form and
size of entities which will be represented ) and also
text informations (which refer to the qualitative
characteristics of these entities).
The constitution of the digital data base, from the
data which results that stereometrograph, on an
analogical way, involve the endowment of this with
hardware equipments, which allow the storage of
these data. Our system was conceived and achieved
by ADIPA s.r.l. Bucuresti company, on the basis of
technological requirements imposed by author.
! For this purpose we cooperate with ing. Visescu I.
and ing. Vasilescu V. from I.G.F.C.O.T. Bucuresti
This system can be interconected. not only with the
stereometrograph, but also with any sort of
analogical measurements system, which contains
electro-mechanical systems with selsyne.
Generally are used instruments with optico-
mechanical projection, Zeiss-Jena like:
e stecometer (4 coordinates). with precision :
~ 0.001 mm;
e dicometer (4 coordinates), with precision : —
0.001 mm:
e stereometrograph (3
precision : — 0.01 mm:
e topocart (3 coordinates), with precision : —
0.05 mm.
what have in its composition optical-mechanical
systems of precision and electrical-mechanical
systems with selsyne (fig. 1).
coordinates), with
The specialised interface is composed, concerning
hardware, by two execution modules. The first
module is refering to the digitizer-box, which is an
integrate device or is out of photogrammetric
system which has the role of analog-digital
converter for electric dimensions with proportional
values with the translation of mobil part of
instrumens. This has 4 groups of A/D conversion
equiped with selsyn receiver. mechanical systems
of gearwheels with a resolution from 500 to 2000
impuls of rotation. The second module is a bearing
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996