Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B2)

2.2 The Flow Chart Interpreter 
The interpreter used to translate processing plans into the op- 
erations of the underlying GIS consists of two steps (see Figure 
In a first step, the powerful and user-oriented VGIS functions 
are dissected into elementary GIS operations. In a second step, 
these elementary GIS operations are then translated into the 
proprietary functions of the underlying GIS. 
The advantage of this two-step approach is the independence of 
the first phase from whatever GIS will be used in the second 
phase. The second step makes the actual interface between 
VGIS and the proprietary GIS. That way, both the custom- 
made user interface and processing plans can be exchanged 
across platforms. The more powerful VGIS functions should 
ideally be developed by a GIS manager who builds them from 
elementary GIS operations to fit a particular application. The 
definition of those elementary GIS operations plays a key role 
and is described in section 2. 
VGIS function 
of the flow chart 
GIS function 
Interface ——————————— 
function of the 
underlying GIS 
Figure 3. The two-step flow chart interpreter 
2.3 The Flow Chart Building Tool 
The interface between the user and the system will be further 
enhanced by a flow chart generating tool. Here, the user needs 
only to describe the results and to name the source data to be 
employed. Based on a knowledge base of integrity rules, the 
appropriate flow chart will then be generated automatically. An 
explanatory component is supposed to help the user to under- 
stand how the system derived the flow chart, which may be 
subsequently modified. 
The flow chart generating tool is based on the principle of 
backward chaining. The system checks whether data with the 
requested attributes exists already. If it does not find such data, 
an appropriate procedure will be started to derive the data. In 
case the necessary source data cannot be found, it will recur- 
sively call other workflows until the warranted data is either 
produced or it will halt with an error message stating that it 
cannot be derived from the input specified. 
The automatic generation is certainly a very complex task re- 
quiring additional funded research. It is therefore only envis- 
aged as an extension to the current VGIS project. 
3.1 Hard- and Software 
VGIS has been developed so far using a personal computer that 
is connected to a workstation on ethernet via an X™ server. 
Limited resources made it necessary to rely as much as possi- 
ble on standard software under the UNIX operating system. 
The initial implementation uses the public domain package 
GRASS as GIS. A commercial program called WiT®, that has 
originally been developed for image processing, was used as a 
tool for processing plan generation. Additional functions are 
implemented in C and C++, while the necessary Motif®-based 
windows were developed with a graphical user interface 
builder called X-Designer®. : 
3.2 Design and Functionality of the Prototype 
VGIS starts with a shell script that first calls a C++ program 
vgis grass start which allows the user to define - within a 
Motif? window - the environment variables required to run 
GRASS. Once they are set correctly, a VGIS-adapted WiT? 
session is started. WiT® controls the actual functionality of 
VGIS. Only when WiT® terminates, this control is returned to 
the initial shell script which then calls the program 
vgis grass end that deletes all temporary files and ends VGIS. 
communication with 
Motif Windows 
WIT Flowchart Tool 
call of an operation 
with specification of 
filenames for 
input and output 
interrogation of 
parameters and 
return of results 
Library of VGIS Functions 
call with parameters 
and filenames 
GRASS Operations 
of results 
Temporary Files 
reading of 
files needed 
Figure 4. The construction of the VGIS prototype 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B2. Vienna 1996 

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