Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

navigation parameters belong to "m" orbits. The object 
coordinates of control points belong to another group. The a 
priori variances of all observation groups are calculated during 
the bundle block adjustment. The estimated values of the a 
prirori variances are used in the last step of the adjustment. 
4. 3 Method for elimination of systematic errors 
in the navigation observations 
Planetary image data are obtained normally from many orbits. 
The corresponding time difference can be very large. From this, 
the navigation parameters between different orbits, and every 
navigation parameter within a orbit, can contain variable offsets 
and drifts. We define one offset and one drift for every 
navigation parameter within an orbit. 
Because the initial navigation data are not well known, and 
difficult to estimate, we will adjust only those parameters which 
have the most influence on the results of the adjustment. The 
least influential navigation data remain fixed. 
For the elimination of the systematic errors, we perform the 
bundle block adjustment in several stages: 
In the first adjustment, we assume that there is no offset and 
drift. After this adjustment we have improved the navigation 
observations. Using the method of least squares reference to the 
following equations, we can calculate the offsets (eq. (5)), or the 
offsets and drifts (eq. (6) ): 
"jQ 7 nC) o 
"j() 7 *n() 7 5j*n() (e 
where ""= x0, y0,z0, P, @, K . 
The meaning of the other symbols was explained earlier. 
The adjusted offsets and drifts for all groups of the navigation 
data and the standard deviations are stored in an output file. 
With the output information, we can determine which 
navigation data contain the systematic errors. If the adjusted 
offset and drift in (6) are larger than their standard deviations, 
this implies that the navigation data contains systematic errors. 
If this requirement is satisfied only for an offset (eq. (5) ), there 
exists only an offset parameter. Because the adjusted parameters 
are correlated, the estimated values are probably not correct. We 
can only detect whether there exist offsets and drifts in the 
navigation data, by this approximate method. 
In the second adjustment, the offsets and drifts found are used 
as unknowns in the bundle block adjustment (eq. (3) and (4) ). 
The offsets and drifts, to which the estimated values are much 
larger than their standard deviations in this adjustment, are used 
as unknowns in the last adjustment. 
In our bundle block adjustment of planetary image data, 
simulated and practical tests were carried out. The simulated 
data are useful for checking the correctness of our methods. The 
simulated data are produced as follows: First, we carry out the 
bundle block adjustment for the example image data (a part of 
Test 1 in the section 6) resulting in adjusted object coordinates. 
In the second step, we use the backward method for the 
calculation of the image coordinates for these object points. 
Finally, we add known random errors, known gross errors, and 
known systematic errors (offset and drift) into the observations. 
The simulated data come from two cameras, and two orbits 
(Table 1). 
Control Number ofConjugate {Image Size of 
points images points points pixel 
10 32 40 344 150 (m) 
Table 1: Simulated data 
5.1 Elimination of gross errors 
Thous, our simulated data contain twenty gross errors in the 
image observations, one gross error in the position, in the 
orientation and in the control point observations. Ten of the 
gross errors in the image coordinates are "large errors". Their 
values lie between 500 and 3000 (pixels) (group 1), that is, the 
actual values are very much larger than their true values. There 
are ten gross errors in the image coordinates (group 2). 
The three methods, Sequent, Robust and Baarda, are applied 
separately here for searching for gross errors. All ten "large 
errors" in the image coordinates are eliminated by the Sequent 
method, in the first step of the adjustment. The Robust method 
finds only seven "large errors" in the image coordinates. The 
remaining errors, particularly the three "large errors", greatly 
corrupt the adjusted results. In comparison, the Baarda method 
finds all gross errors, in all observations (Table 2). 
Error Size of Sequent Robust Baarda 
types errors 
group 1 of 500 (pix.) 
image to 10/10 10/7 10/10 
points 3000 
group 2 of |10 (pix.) : 
image to 10/0 10/0 10/10 
points 40 
positions 2 (km) - - 1/1 
orientations [0.2 (deg) |- - 14/4 
points 2 (km) - - 171 
limit value = 10 (km) for the Sequent method 
limit value = 4 for the Baarda method 
Table 2: Elimination of gross errors I 
Error Sequent  |Sequent 
types Robust Baarda 
group 1 10/10 10/10 
group 2 10/9 10/10 
positions - 174 
orientations |- 1/1 
points - 1/1 
Table 3: Elimination of gross errors II 
In practice we always use the Sequent method during the first 
step of the adjustment. After that, the Robust, or the Baarda 
method are used in the bundle block adjustment. In this 
example, the Sequent method has eliminated the ten "large 
errors" in the image measurements; the Robust method finds 
nine errors in these observations. The Baarda method has found 
ten errors in the image measurements and all three gross errors 
in the other observations (Table 3). These results show, we 
should either use, in combination, the Sequent and the Baarda 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
method, or the 
block adjustme 
5,2 Variance 
The simulate 
groups of im: 
position orier 
coordinates © 
estimate five : 
adjustment. O 
are estimated, 
the position c 
modules, with 
examples are | 
ID). Three diff 
initial 2, and 
priori varianc: 
not dependent 
estimated 1 
initial 2 
estimated 2 
initial 3 
estimated 3 
Table 4: A pi 
initial 1 
estimated 1 
initial 2 
estimated 2 
initial 3 
estimated 3 
Table 5: A | 
5.3 Elimir 
The simula 
(example 1 
2). Using 

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