Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

sue between any object model and the input image 
can be derived even if they contain a different number 
of surfaces. 
This similarity measure is used to reduce the search 
space. Based on the proposed simple features, a set 
of object models most similar to the input image. is.se- 
lected from the database. This process can be consid- 
ered as a coarse search step because “good” candi- 
dates as well as some “bad” candidates are selected 
due to roughness of the feature set. However, this 
proeess discards a large number of object models in 
the database and significantly reduces the search 
After the surface correspondences between the un- 
known object and the object model are confirmed, 
the next step is to apply Hopfield networks to estab- 
lish the vertex correspondences. In this section, the 
features for vertex correspondence establishment are 
first described. This is followed by the introduction 
of row-column assignment. Next, the strength of in- 
terconnection Cj; is defined. Then, a technique for. 
systematically deriving the best vertex correspon- 
dence is presented. Finally, the characteristics of the 
networks are discussed. 
A. Feature Selection and Row -Column Assignments 
Before we start establishing the vertex correspon- 
dences, the order of all the vertices in each polygon 
must be determined. This is usually achieved at the 
preprocessing stage by selecting the vertex of a poly- 
gon with minimum z coordinate as the starting ver- 
tex (oth vertex). If two vertices happen to possess 
the same minimum z coordinate, the one with small- 
er y coordinate is selected as the starting vertex. The 
subsequent vertices are numbered sequentially in a 
clock wise direction. The reason for making this or- 
dering is to facilitate the subsequent row-column as- 
signment process. A useful feature for vertex corre- 
spondence establishment is the shape number pro- 
posed in [16]. This feature is invariant to rotation, 
translation, and scaling in 3-D space. The method of 
deriving the shape number for each detected vertex is 
as follows. Consider a polygon in Fig. 3 which has a 
clock wise edge sequence of (E;E;,,E,,5:***) and a ver- 
tex sequence eof (N;N;+1N;+2°°°). Point I; is the in- 
tersection of vector N.N us with vector Na Niro: 
Then, the ratio (distance from N; to Z;)/(distance 
from N; to N;+2) which is assigned to vertex N; of 
this polygon remains constant for any positioning of 
the surface in 3-D space. 
For the general case, consider a polygon of n edges 
with a clockwise edge sequence of (E,E;*** E, ,E,). 
iX. ifi-- ka 
) = 14 
(ak), J otherwise £14) 
t+ EC 20 
Let [A B] be the distance from point A to point B. 
Then, the shape number for vertex N; can be ex- 
pressed as 
nep gendi d 
[NS Note) 
where /; is the intersection of vector N;N (+2), With 
Sh x 100,11 & *< (15) 
vector N à+1alV G+3/a+ For a nonconvex polygon, the 
intersection of the two vectors may be outside the 
contour or may not occur at all. This means that 
some Sh;s may be greater than 100 and some may not 
exist. An upper limit of 100 is placed on the calcula- 
tion for those shape numbers which are over 100 and 
Os are assigned to those Sk;s which do not exist. 
To establish vertex correspondences, we associate 
a local feature and a relational feature with each ver- 
tex. The local feature is its corresponding angle value 
and the relational feature is its shape number. In or- 
der to perform vertex matching, we select a reliable 
and matched polygon pair obtained from the surface 
matching process. Each vertex of the matched poly- 
gon in the input image is assigned a row index identi- 
cal to its label. Similarly, each vertex of the matched 
polygon in the object model is assigned a column in- 
dex identical to its label. The attributes of each row 
or column include the local and relational features of 
its corresponding vertex. An example of this assign- 
ment is shown in Fig. 4. 
Fig. 3 A surface patch. 
B. Cay for Vertex Correspond ence Establishment 
For vertex correspondence establishment, Cy; can 
be expressed by an equation as follows: 
C as = wı X F(I;,M,) + Ww, X F(7,,M,) 
+ wi, F (II, MM,) + w, X F(II;,MM,) (16) 
where 7, represents the shape number of the zth ver- 
tex of a polygon in the input image, M, the shape 
number of the yth vertex of the corresponding poly- 
gon in the object model ,77, the angle of the zth ver- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Edge FE; has a clockwise orientation of N; to N G4», 
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