Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

polygon can be determined concurrently in the net- 
Let a;; represent the output of the neuron at posi- 
tion (i,j),where 0<<i,j<n. The best match out of 
the 2 comparisons can be determined by the following 
Step 1: Calculate the number of active neurons 
from each of the » comparisons by the following e- 
quation : 
Aa-l »—1 
Match (k) — D> Surman is OK «n. (19) 
i=0 j=0 
Step 2: Determine the best match by 
Maz Maích(m) — maz [Match (k)], 0sk«n. 
Step 3: If the best match measure Maz match (m) 
is larger than a threshold 6,then the original vertex 
correspondenee matrix as follows : 
15 if ài= (j —m)mod n 
otherwise (20) 
0 xx$,j «Cm and Os;mo« n. 
In the first step, (19)is used to calculate the number 
of active neurons in each of the » comparisons. In the 
second step,the results derived from Step 1 are com- 
pared and the one that contains the largest number of 
active neurons is selected. In the third step,it is inted- 
ed to generate the best vertex correspondence matrix 
by removing all ambiguities. All the neurons corre- 
sponding to the best match are activated by applying 
(17). Those neurons irrelevant to the activated neu- 
ron set are then inactivated. 
a;; = 0, 
D, Discussion 
Being designed as a constraint satisfaction net- 
work ,the Hopfield net may encounter problems such 
as multiple active neurons in a row or column after it 
is stabilized. This is because the given set of con- 
straints is not adequate for singling out the optimal 
solution. However ,a procedure which takes advan- 
tage of the fact that the vertex ordering of a polygon 
is preserved under any rotation in 2-D space is de- 
signed to determine the best vertex correspondences. 
This procedure is valid even if some intermediate ver- 
tices are not matched due to distortion caused by 
changing viewpoints. 
We have mentioned that ‚at the surface correspon- 
dence stage,a set of object models are selected from 
the model database due to higher surface matching 
measures. The vertex correspondence establishment 
can be considered as a fine search process. At this 
stage, we eliminate those object models unable to est- 
blish any consistent vertex correspondence with the 
input image. The discarded object models may include 
the folliwing:l1)those which are actually the projec- 
tions of different objects but were accidentally picked 
up;and 2)those which are projections of the same ob- 
ject but are quite different from the input image. 
of the features for surface matching. Among the ob- 
ject models whose vertices of the kernel region match 
those of the input image,the one with the highest 
surface matching score and the largest number of ver- 
tex correspondences is finally selectde as the largest 
number of vertex correspondences is finally selected 
as the best matched model. Since the pose of the 
viewpoint where the best matched object model is vi- 
sualized is predetermined in the modeling phase , the 
pose of the unknown object can be obtained by com- 
puting a 2-D rotation which brings the vertices in the 
input image to align with thcir corresponding vertices 
in the best matehed object model. 
In this paper, we use Hopfield networks to solve 
both the surface and vertex correspondence problems 
for 3-D object recognition. The proposed scheme can 
be considered as a coarse-to-fine search process. In a 
3-D object recognition system adopting multiple-view 
approach ‚the database is usually a set of 2-D projec- 
tions which are topologically different. By calculating 
the surface matching score between the input image 
and each object model in the model database ‚a set of 
2-D models with higher surface matching score is se- 
lected. This phase can be considered as a coarse 
search process. The object models selected from the 
first stage are then fed into the Hopfield net for es- 
tablishing the vertex correspondences between the in- 
put image and each of these models. This phase is the 
fine search process. The object model that has the 
best vertex and surface correspondences with the in- 
put image is finally selected. Once an object model is 
identified , we can use the model coordinate frame as 
the reference frame to derive the pose of the un- 
known object. 
In comparison with conventional methods, there 
are several advantages in using Hopfield nets for im- 
age matching. Image matching can be regarded as a 
process of finding homomorphisms between two rela- 
tional structures and is basically an NP-complete 
problem. In the worst case,its time complexity is ex- 
pected to be exponential. In order to speed up the 
performance, several methods adopting look-ahead or 
relaxation [19], [20] schemes have been proposed. 
However, in general, it takes more effort to manage 
a look-ahead table or devise a relaxation algorithm. A 
Hopfield network takes advantage of its massively 
parallel structure to deal with matching problems in 
an elegant and systematic manner and quantitatively 
reflects the degree of similarity in the final states of 
the neurons. The formulation of the network struc- 
ture is simple and the matching process is easy to im- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
They were mistakenly selected due to the roughness 
[1]P. J.»d 
vol. 17 
[2]M. Osh 
ing t 
T rans. 
[3]R. T^€ 
vol. 1 
[4 ]I. Chal 
Eng , 
[5]H. Fr 
Eds. , 
dam : 
[6]L. Sta 
Sion » | 
[7] Y.Zh: 
pp. 13 
[8]J. J. H 
tion o 
olog . 
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[10] W. ] 
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