thm (DPM) for
odel. Some small
or determining the
rithm, five small
ed at the centre of
[he other four are
pper-right, lower-
image and height
gned as candidate
je training regions
or every candidate
ning reflectance
gorithm (DHI) for
t image (see the
uct an iterative
ximation. A fixed
frame. After the
> model, a set of
rs) with respect to
1pdated improved
ined. Using these
ht data, a shading
ly shaded regions.
every candidate
] region and the
e candidate model
selected as the
1,---,m be the i th
c models. Let
parameters of the
om DRP after the
dated gradients in
the iterations. The
k, je») ,
letric modeli. (1)
°d training regions
ns is
ietric modeli. (2)
model MR is thus
n fact, it is similar
algorithms. The
ctance properties.
1pdated improved
ving algorithm to
RP. In DHI, we
By using the photometric model 3 determined in the training
frame, the known light source, with the brightness image and
the approximate height image, we first estimate the surface
reflectance property images in DRP. The number of the
reflectance property images depends on how many parameters
are used in the determined photometric model. E.g., if itis the
Torrance-Sparrow model, there are three reflectance property
images (the diffusion parameter image, the specular parameter
image and the surface roughness parameter image). The value
of each pixel in the property image represents the value of
surface reflectance property at its coordinates. If it is the
Lambertian model there is only one image containing albedo
values. Then these estimated reflectance properties are used in
DHI to improve the approximate height image. The improved
height image is then used to improve the estimation of the
reflectance property image(s), and so on. Obviously, this is an
iteration strategy. In each iteration, a shading algorithm is
called to obtain the shaded image. The mean square error
between the brightness image and the shaded image is
calculated to determine whether the iteration should be stopped.
If the mean square error does not reduce, the program
terminates and outputs the determined photometric model, the
surface reflectance property image(s) and the improved height
3.2.1 DRP - A Region Growing Algorithm to Determine
Surface Reflectance Properties
So far, our problem becomes to obtain the surface reflectance
properties based on a given photometric model, a given
brightness image and a given height image. Though this seems
similar with the problem in Ikeuchi and Sato's paper (1991)
and the problem in Kay and Caelli’s paper (1994), there are
significant differences with their cases. We estimate parameters
at each point on the object surface. Our method differs from
that of Ikeuchi and Sato which assumed constant regions. Also,
our method differs from that of Kay and Caelli which used
multiple brightness images obtained with different light
A region growing algorithm based on least square fitting is
proposed to estimate the inhomogeneous reflectance properties.
In the algorithm, a set of initial reflectance properties are
estimated in a set of kernel surface points. Surface reflectance
properties are obtained by minimizing
» 2
e, 7 X [e»-ho»]. (4)
kr zyen
where Q, is the set of kernel points, / is the brightness image,
Iy is the image irradiance corresponding to the photometric
model R. For the Lambertian model, Eq. 4 becomes
e n Y [16.3) - ,:S-NG«»)] : (5)
* xyef,
where c, is the Lambertian diffuse reflection coefficient. S is
the direction of light source, N is the surface normal. For the
Torrance-Sparrow model, Eq. 4 becomes
e, = 2 [es - «4:8: NG) 7e, npo oan! j
x x,yef2,
where c, is the specular coefficient, c, is the surface roughness
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
coefficient, « is the specular angle calculated as
ox, y)= cos”! (H-N(x,y)), (7)
where H=(S+V)/[s+V|| with v the viewing direction.
The minimization of Eq. 5 to obtain c, is simple. To minimize
vanités and c,, we follow Kay and Caelli’s
method. From the kernel set, we grow the neighbours of the
kernel set if the neighbours have the same properties as the
kernel set. Whether a neighbour point is to be grown depends
on the error after growing. Let Q, «1 denote the new set of the
Eq. 6 to obtain c
kernel set 2, adding a neighbour point. Let ¢; 5, ¢, q, and
c, g, be three parameters estimated in set © . The error ea
Fale k p +1
Ca, +1 = Y (5) 7 &4,0, :S-N(x,y)-
x,yef2, t1
Cr, P(g, G5) )] 2 (8)
«ih, ©)
€0 +1
this neighbour point is added to the kernel set. In Eq. 9, th isa
predefined threshold. Therefore, the new kernel set has one
point more. After the neighbours of the old kernel set Q, are
tested and the kernel set has grown, parameters c, , c, and c,
are re-estimated and updated. If the kernel set has not grown,
the growing for set Q, is stopped. The growing will start with
a new kernel set until all points on the surface are estimated.
The initial kernel set can be a small nxn window anywhere.
However, the deviation of [70 »-lycy]. must be small by
using the estimated parameters in the initial set to guarantee
homogeneity. In the end, points having not been grown are
interpolated by the successfully estimated neighbours.
3.2.2 DHI Algorithm
In fact, DHI is an SFS algorithm to obtain the improved height
image. We mainly follow Zheng and Chellappa's algorithm
(1991). Their algorithm is a constrained optimization problem
f[F(p.q.Z) dx dy, (10)
F=[R(p,q)- 10x,” +
[Rp (p.9) Px + Ra(P9) 9x = T(x)” +
[R,(P.q) Py * Ry (CP. 4):4y - 1G Y) +
np - Z,Y *(- 2,» Y. (11)
In their algorithm, the intensity gradient constraint and the
height gradient constraint are applied. Using the calculus of
variations, minimization of Eq. 10 is equivalent to solving the
Euler equations: