Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

change in geology age and it is better for human 
used. Seeing Figure 3. 
Figure 3. Map of the slope aspect analysis 
We established a DMGIS and researched the basic 
character of digital terrain patterns and dynamic 
change process with DMGIS. We found many 
problems in the studying process and result. They 
are 3 [ problems (Information Revolution, Infor- 
mation Technology, Information Sciences) and the 
relationship between them in studying Geography. 
The first we should know the process of informa- 
tion revolution in Geography. The second we 
should must know our now main studying object, 
contents, methods and problems in the process. 
The third we sould must also probe the theory and 
future of information revolution in Geography. 
[Good child 1992] [Rhind 1994]. So therefore, we 
proposed a new conception-Information Geogra- 
phy- in 1991 year. we think that Information Ge- 
ography is a science which it is to know and use ge- 
ographical information by the support of informa- 
tion technique with theory and method of informa- 
tion sciences. [chen 1993]. We are now writing a 
book-A Guide to Information Geography 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
(Chinese). A thinking about Information Geogra- 
phy as follows: 
3.1 The Process of Information Revolution in Geog- 
Information is the third basic concept of modern 
sciences after the matter and energy in human 
knowing nature. Human being came into informa- 
tion age from the forties of the twentieth century 
because a breakthrough of information technology 
and to be founded the information theory. 
The information revolution of Geography was be- 
gan after the beginning of the information age. The 
first step was a quantitative revolution of Geogra- 
phy for 50’s—60’s. The second step was to be devel- 
oped and to be completed GIS and other Informa- 
tion technique for 70’s—80’s. The information revo- 
lution of Geography is now coming into the third 
step that is developing information Geography. 
So therefore, geography is greatly changing to be 
from traditional qualitative described and simply 
statistics analysis to fixed position, quantitative, 
dynamic and integrate analysis. This changing is a 
second scientific revolution of Geography. We can 
call it as “information revolution of Geography”. 
We can also call it as the rise and developing of In- 
formation Geography according to its objective 
and characters and contents view. 
Information Geography is a result of information 
age deeply developing and GIS day by day ripeness 
and step by step came into pragmatized stage. So 
Information Geography is must a trend of devel- 
oping geographical sciences in information age. In- 
formation geography needs supported of GIS and 
other geographical information technique and GIS 
needs furthermore guide of theory and method of 
Information Geography. 
3.2 Present Main Problem in the Process of Informa- 
tion Revolution of Geography 
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