ormation Geogra-
evolution in Geog-
oncept of modern
energy in human
ame into informa-
twentieth century
nation technology
n theory.
reography was be-
ormation age. The
lution of Geogra-
p was to be devel-
nd other Informa-
information revo-
ing into the third
n Geography.
ly changing to be
oribed and simply
don, quantitative,
This changing is a
eography. We can
n of Geography”.
| developing of In-
g to its objective
ult of information
ay by day ripeness
rmatized stage. So
a trend of devel-
formation age. In-
orted of GIS and
echnique and GIS
ry and method of
Process of Informa-
a 1996
We know that the information revolution in Geog-
raphy is a important part in the information revo-
lution of mankind. The quick development of in-
formation technique propel information revolution
forword of | mankind. But information
technique—for example RS, GIS, GPS, TS
(Telemetering System) to be call 4S—is only a tool
to the Geography. So therefore, Geography has
must it self studying object, content and method
and look for geographical main problem in the
process and particularly present.
We think that the studying object of Information
Geography is a geographical system of large capac-
ity and multilayer and integrate in geographical en-
vironment. The main studying content of Informa-
tion Geography are geographical information and
geographical information flow in the geographical
system. The studying tools of Information Geogra-
phy are modern information technique that they
are RS, GIS, GPS and TS same above. The stud-
ying theory and method of Information Geography
are used principle of the information sciences. The
studying target is the sustainable development of
the geographical system.
So the heart of the process is now to develop geo-
graphical information and geographical informa-
tion flow resources and is particularly remote
senses information resources including quantity
and quality.
3.3 The Theory and Future. of Information
Gevolution in Reography
The theory and method of information revolution
in geography will be completed through studying
geographical information in a geographical system.
Though different geographicl system has their own
characters and probles, however they have a lot of
common characters from studying contents and
methods view yet. So therefore, through these
common characters we can probe basic theoretical
problems of universal useful value for Information
They are:
3.3.1 Information characters of geographical envi-
ronment The studying object in a geographical sys-
tem—energy, resources, environment and so on in-
formation—they are all of information resources
and can generalize a element to be called geograph-
ical information and to be expressed all informa-
tion character of different type in Information Ge-
3.3.2 Spatial characters of geographical environ-
ment Any realistic things in a geographical system
occupies a spatial position and has a spatial form
and between it with other shape has a relation spa-
tial position. All of the characters reflect basic spa-
tial characters in a geographical system.
3.3.3 Time characters of | geographical
environmentAny realistic things in a geographical
system don’t stop changing. Any character of the
every thing is only a its specific moment. Therefore,
its dynamic changing process is really a concentrate
of time sequence of the things.
3.3.4 Intergrate characters of geographical envi-
ronment Geographical system is an integrate body.
Each other depend on as well as and each other re-
striction between every element is compose a world
of multi—type and multi—changing in a geographi-
cal system. It has exchanged to outside of the sys-
tem and has integrated at inside of the system. The
integration refiects overall characters of a geo-
graphical system.
3.3.5 Feedback characters of geographical envi-
ronment Every elements in a geographical system
are interaction of never stopping. This interaction
is a feedback character of delaying to nature of a
geographical system. Mankind can control chang-
ing direction in a geographical system with the
feedback nature.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996