an outcome, based on the available data. Typically uncertainty
is modeled by probability theory. Imprecision is a feature of the
data itself. It refers to data expressed as a range of possible
values. Other descriptions of data are accurate and exact,
approximate, and ambiguous. Geographical features, such as
spatial relations, may contain many kinds of uncertainties
which are often caused by the fuzzily defined concepts and
linguistics, the presence of varying shapes and features of
complicated spatial objects, and the imprecise measurements of
spatial data. In following section, we will briefly introduce
these uncertainties of spatial relations.
2.1. Conceptual Uncertainties
Conceptual uncertainties of spatial relations in GIS are mainly
caused by the fuzzy linguistic and conceptual variables. For
example, we often use the fuzzy concepts (such as near, far,
almost west, middle east, and et. al.) to deriving metric
relations. In this case, the metric relations are derived by a set
of metric values together with their fuzzy memberships. The
fuzzy membership is generally a real number on [0,1], where 0
indicates no membership and 1 indicates complete membership.
Similarly, the fuzzy concepts of weak connected, strong
connected, almost same, big different, and et. al., are caused the
uncertainties of topologic and ordering relations. It should be
emphasized that topologic relations are generally independent
on the geometry, but topologic relations usually are derived
from geometric descriptions, so this is also necessary when
taking the uncertainty of the geometric entities into
consideration which of cause leads to derived quantities of
uncertainty of the topologic relations. Some related examples
are shown in Fig.1 (a)-(c).
Fig.1(a). Fuzzy distance describing near, middle and far
Fig.1(b). Topologically met objects with the weak
and strong connections
Fig.1(c). Directionally ordered objects with the
almost same and big different orientations
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
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Fig.2(c). Ordering between points and objects
2.2. Object Feature Uncertainties
Object feature uncertainties of spatial relations in GIS are
mainly caused by the ambiguous variables of object shapes,
sizes and distributions. A metric relation between two
arbitrarily-shaped objects is a fuzzy concept and is thus often
dependent on human interpretation [Fig.2(a)-(b)].The simplest
way to calculate the distance or direction between two objects is
to convert the object calculations to the represented point
calculations, such as using the distance between two capitals to
represent the distance between two countries. But this method
will cause many problems when the country is big and its shape
is complicated. As the descriptions in Chen and et. al [1995,
1996], the rigorous method to calculate metric relations
between two arbitrarily-shaped objects is to calculate the
Hausdorff distances and directions between their sub-sets of
objects and their fuzzy memberships. The general Hausdorff
metric between two objects is just the special case of its fuzzy
membership value equals to 1. Similarly, the object shape and
distribution may cause the uncertainties of ordering relations
[Fig.2(c)], but don't influence topologic relations. The ordering
relations between objects can be derived by the method of
partial-ordered segmentation of objects [Chen and et. at., 1995,
2.3. Data Uncertainties
Data uncertainties of spatial relations in GIS are mainly caused
by imprecise measurements of spatial data. Generally, the
locations of objects in spatial databases are not error-free, they
may contain many kinds of errors, such as the errors of scanning,
digitizing, selecting, projection, overlaying, and
[Goodchild and, 1989]. For describing the uncertainty in
the positions of spatial objects (such as lines and areas), we can
use the error model of. € -band developed by Chrisman [1982],
in which the positional uncertainty of" a spatial object K, can
be represen
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