Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

use complex types of 
only a small subset of 
e is actually visible and 
ond, the set of detec- 
Xf landmarks which do 
ark (false detections as 
ated on private ground 
inicipal register). As a 
ow chance that a com- 
landmarks can also be 
order to deal with this 
ness we decided to use 
to be discussed below), 
ced with a lot of ambi- 
biguity by applying a 
it, we randomly select a 
ip a valid constellation. 
jetermine all possibly 
his is done by indexing 
ons of efficiency. Given 
andidate database con- 
itch between the image 
es. As indicated above, 
esis by estimating the 
dmark correspondences 
| scoring the number of 
ned by transforming the 
into world coordinates 
tion model is available) 
h among the database 
radius (e.g. 1.5 m in 
umber of hits obtained 
a small fraction of the 
s way), we consider the 
-abase constellations. If 
tes, we randomly select 
a behind this method is 
mber of hits for perfect 
ulty image constellation 
r of hits. By the word 
stellations which do not 
ole covers not registered 
f the constellations used 
nna 1996 
Figure 3: Results of the landmark extraction scheme applied to a small sub-image which shows five manhole covers. On the 
left side, small circles indicate the potential landmarks detected by normalized cross-correlation. In the final result (right) the 
cross centers correspond to the estimated landmark centers while the radii of the circles correspond to the values of rin. 
Note, that one of the visible landmarks has been rejected by the verification procedure due to its high approximation error. 
as well as the average ratio between correct detections and 
erroneous ones (from our extraction experiments), we can 
specify the mean number of random trials required to select 
a perfect image constellation, which should give a successful 
total match. In summary, the algorithm proceeds as follows: 
1. Prepare the database by constructing all database con- 
stellations according to the rules to be specified below. 
2. Randomly select a set of image landmarks which makes 
up a valid image constellation. 
3. Determine all possibly matching database constella- 
tions through geometric indexing. 
4. Select an unused candidate from the indexed database 
5. Estimate the orientation parameters based on the given 
landmark correspondences and score the number of 
6. When the number of hits is higher than a given thresh- 
old, stop with success; otherwise, when there is still an 
unused candidate, continue with step 4; otherwise con- 
tinue with step 2. 
Note that in case of a successful total match, the desired 
result—i.e., the exterior orientation—is already available from 
the verification step which determines the orientation param- 
eters based on a maximum number of landmark matches. 
Since we can expect to yield a high number of correspon- 
dences per image (50-100), the estimate is highly reliable. 
Thus, based on a reliable estimate it is possible to recognize 
landmarks with significantly distorted coordinates by looking 
for outliers in the residuals. Such an analysis enables us to 
finally enhance the result by excluding detected outliers as 
well as to examine the accuracy of the coordinates included 
in the landmark database. 
3.3. The Type of Constellations Used 
We now have to define the type of constellations to be used 
in our approach. The matching algorithm sketched above 
implies a number of criteria to be considered in this context: 
e |t should be possible—with respect to time and stor- 
age capacities—to precompute all valid constellations 
among the database landmarks. 
e There should be a high probability that constellations 
of the desired type can be found among the landmarks 
detected in the image. This excludes complex constel- 
lations which are specific but also sensitive to missing 
or additional features. 
e There must be an efficient method to access all possi- 
bly matching database constellations for a given image 
e To limit the computational effort required to estimate 
the orientation parameters and to transform the coordi- 
nates, the number of candidate database constellations 
associated with a given image constellation should be 
e The probability for randomly selecting a perfect image 
constellation should be high. 
Trying to find a trade-off between specifity and robustness, we 
considered two types of constellations: triples and five-tuples. 
The most serious argument for using small-sized n-tuples is 
given by the last criterion from the list above: The probability 
for randomly selecting a perfect n-tuple decreases exponen- 
tially with increasing n; Table 1 reveals the consequences of 
this relationship. The experiments reported in Section 2.4 
have shown that the set of detections typically includes a 
fraction of false detections in the range of 10% to 20% (see 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 

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