Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

ised in our experiments 
'essungsamt Hamburg. 
IR 87-20-828 acquired 
otogrammetrie m.b.H, 
the permission of the 
coordinates extracted 
em of the city of Ham- 
> Hamburger Stadtent- 
echts, Hamburg. 
Ictive suggestions with 
iim Rieger for suggest- 
1 Schróder for support 
ing valuable contribu- 
ipt. For providing the 
ler (Vermessungsamt), 
Mr. Gleim (Stadtent- 
d here have been done 
the Al-Laboratory at 
Iniversity of Hamburg, 
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mages. In Sagerer, G., 
ustererkennung 1995 — 
many, 13.715. Septem- 
I-601. Springer-Verlag, 
| to Control Structures 
riangulation in Digital 
ogr. u. Fernerkundung 
onfiguration Invariants 
rmutation Transforma- 
523-1532, 1994. 
nz, 1993. Correspon- 
P?-Invariant Represen- 
and D.Forsyth, editors, 
ter Vision, Ponta Del- 
volume 825 of Lecture 
—492. Springer-Verlag, 
ing for Outer Orienta- 
rame Controlpoints. In 
on, D.C., 1992, volume 
'es of Photogrammetry 
. American Society for 
, Bethesda, MD, 1992. 
lles Verfahren zur au- 
Luftbildern. Zeitschrift 
115-122, May 1995. 
Erkennung topographi- 
uordnung. Zeitschrift 
170-176, Nov. 1992. 
1a 1996 
H. Ebadi and M. A. Chapman 
Department of Geomatics Engineering 
The University of Calgary 
Calgary, AB, Canada, T2N 1N4 
Tel: (403) 220-4981 Fax: (403) 284-1980 
Email: hebadi @ensu.ucalgary.ca , mike @fuzzy.ensu.ucalgary.ca 
WG 11/1 
KEY WORDS: Photogrammetry, GPS, Adjustment, Bundle, Accuracy, Aerial Triangulation, Geometric Constraints, Reliability 
Conventional block adjustments (bundles or independent models) have been widely used to determine both photogrammetric point 
coordinates and the exterior orientation parameters of photography for mapping purposes. Ground control points (planimetric points 
along the perimeter of the block and relatively dense chains of vertical points across the block) are necessary to relate the image 
coordinate system to the object space coordinate system and to ensure the geometric stability of the conventional block as well as to 
control the error propagation. The major impact of cost and time consumption for ground control establishment on any mapping 
project is the primary reason that photogrammetrists have been looking for a replacement for ground control by auxiliary data (e.g. 
Global Positioning System). This paper describes a new technique for GPS controlled strip triangulation using geometric constraints 
of man made structures (e.g., high voltage towers, high-rise buildings) located approximately along the flight line. The effects of the 
different GPS measurement accuracies were also investigated. Both the precision and reliability analysis of the GPS bundle strip 
adjustment with these constraints were carried out on simulated and real data. 
Since the launch of the Global Positioning System (GPS) 
satellites in the early 80s, photogrammetrists have realized the 
application of GPS for their particular interests (i.e., aerial 
triangulation). With this technology, the position of the aircraft 
at the individual exposure moments can be precisely 
determined. These positions can then be introduced into the 
combined GPS-Photogrammetric block adjustment as weighted 
observations for the exposure stations reducing the number of 
control points to a minimum. Aerial triangulation can even be 
completed without any control points provided that the satellite 
signals are not blocked during the flight mission (Lapine, 1992) 
and as long as datum transformations are known. 
However, there are a few problems that require attention in GPS 
assisted aerial triangulation. These are the GPS antenna offset 
calibration, interpolation of the exposure time, the initial phase 
ambiguity resolution, signal interruptions, and datum problems 
(Ackermann, 1992). 
After kinematic processing of GPS observations, coordinates of 
the antenna phase centres are available in the WGS84 reference 
frame. Most ground coordinates are defined with respect to a 
national coordinate system (e.g. UTM). The transformation 
between these coordinate systems can be based on published 
formulas (Colomina, 1993) or a set of common reference points 
available in both systems. Elevations are usually related to the 
ellipsoid and must be corrected for the geoid undulations. 
Ground control points (planimetric points along the perimeter 
of the block and relatively dense chains of vertical points across 
the block) are mandatory for relating the image coordinate 
system to the object coordinate system and to ensure the 
geometric stability of the conventional block. The minimum 
control requirement for absolute orientation is three non- 
collinear points. For GPS-Photogrammetric block, this 
condition is met by using GPS observations at the perspective 
centres as control information. Since the GPS observations of 
the exposure stations are almost collinear for strip triangulation, 
the above condition is not satisfied and, therefore, the role angle 
(i.e., around the flight direction) can not be recovered reliably. 
This makes it necessary to use ground control points to solve 
for the remaining exterior orientation parameters (Alobaida, 
This paper reviews the concept of the GPS observable used in 
the precise photogrammetric applications and describes a new 
technique for GPS controlled strip triangulation using 
geometric constraints of man-made structures (e.g. high voltage 
towers and high-rise buildings) located approximately along the 
flight line. The effects of the accuracies of different GPS 
measurements were also investigated. A precision and 
reliability analysis were performed on both simulated and real 
data. All results were obtained using GAP (General Adjustment 
Program) developed by the first author at the Department of 
Geomatics Engineering (Digital Photogrammetry Group). 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 

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