RMS of Adjusted Object
Coordinates (method 2)
RMS (mm)
0.25 0.5 1
GPS Accuracy (m)
Figure 2. RMS of X, Y, and Z Coordinates of All Object Points
(method 2)
Comparing Figures 1 and 2 show that if GPS can provide
accuracy at the level of 0.25 to 0.5 m for camera exposure
stations coordinates, the RMS values for all object coordinates
are better or equal to those obtained from the full ground
control version. These results confirm that constraint
information from the tower points can replace the ground
control points and eliminates the need for the second strip of
photography which has been adopted conventionally to improve
the geometry of the strip. To see how this technique recovers
the roll angle of the aircraft, Figures 3, 4, and 5 show the
adjusted roll angle of each photo obtained from the 3 methods
(Goes =0.25 m)
As seen in these Figures, the adjusted roll angle recovered from
method 2 (tower points included) is almost the same as what
has been obtained from method 3 (full ground control version).
© 9
Roll Angle
(seconds of arc)
E. X
5 Oö 0
Photo Number
Figure 3. Adjusted Roll Angle from Method 1
d — ND
eoo ©
Roll Angle
(seconds of arc)
Photo Number
Figure 4. Adjusted Roll Angle from Method 2
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
Roll Angle
(seconds of arc)
Photo Number
Figure 5. Adjusted Roll Angle from Method 3
In the reliability analysis, redundancy numbers, internal
reliability factors, and external reliability factors were computed
for various observations (image coordinates, GPS coordinates
of exposure stations). Table 2 and 3 show the reliability
measures for image coordinates and GPS coordinates of
exposure stations for the various methods.
Table 2. Reliability Measures for Image Coordinates
Method 1 2 3
Measure X y X y X y
Ti 0.28 0.11 | 0.34 0.54 | 0.23 0.39
O0 8.34 12.52 | 8.41 5.73 | 9.96 6.61
$0; 72/1185 7.11 4393 1 3.95 5 21
Table 3. Reliability Measures for GPS Coordinates of
Exposure Stations
Method 1 2
Measure X Y Z X XY 2
ri 0.74 0.80 0.84 | 0.74 0.85 0.82
00i 4.65 447 436 | 4.66 434 442
$i 236 198 172 1237 1.67 1,85
These values are rated as good (0.5 « r;, 89; « 4.0), acceptable
(0.15 1, « 0.5, 4.0< So. <10.0), bad (0.04< ri <0.1,
10.0 € 5,; < 20.0), and not acceptable (r; < 0.04,
20.0< $0, (Forstner,1985). The best values for the reliability
measures have been obtained from method 2 which imply that
including tower points in the GPS controlled strip triangulation
improves the reliability of both image coordinates especially the
y coordinates of image points and GPS observations.
4. 3. Results With Real Data
Encouraging results from the simulated data have convinced us
to apply this new technique on real data. The results from the
real data was not available at the time of writing this paper.
These results will be presented during the conference.
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pp. 261-271
Mapping S
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Cannon, ^
Deren, L.,
Ebadi, H.,
Forstner, |
pp. 1137-1
FrieB, F
Bonn, Ger
Lapine, I