Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

from Method 3 
ncy numbers, 
y factors were computed 
inates, GPS coordinates 
3 show the reliability 
] GPS coordinates of 
[mage Coordinates 
Y xy 
4 0.54 | 0.23 0.39 
1573" T 0:06*6.61 
| 3,093 4 3.95 521 
3PS Coordinates of 
X Y 7, 
0.74 0.85 0.82 
4.66 4.34 442 
2.37 1.67. 1.85 
i» 80; <4.0), acceptable 
(0.04 € r; « 0.1, 
(ri € 0.04, 
/alues for the reliability 
thod 2 which imply that 
rolled strip triangulation 
oordinates especially the 
| data have convinced us 
ita. The results from the 
e of writing this paper. 
he conference. 
GPS controlled strip triangulation was carried using geometric 
constraints of man-made structures (power towers) to replace 
the ground control points needed to recover the roll angle of the 
camera. The results obtained from the simulated data show that 
if kinematic GPS can provide decimeter accuracy for the 
camera exposure stations, then the strip adjustment can be done 
without any ground control points as long as the datum 
transformation is known. Normally, two or three strips of 
photography are taken to recover the roll angle of the aircraft 
and to increase the geometry of a single strip. This new 
technique for single strip adjustment eliminates the need for 
multiple strips of photography and reduces both the time and 
the cost of the mapping project. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
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