Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

AisAgyeeeensh are the nonvanishing singular values of A, and 
r is its rank. 
It is known that, when some singular values are exactly zeros, 
the matrix A is not full rank; in this case we say that A contains 
exact linear dependencies whose number is exactly equal to the 
number of null singular values. 
Therefore, since a null singular value is an indication of exact 
linear dependency, Kendall and Silvey (Belsley et al, 1980) 
have extended this idea to say that, the existence of a small 
singular value is indicative of a near dependency; which means 
that, there will be as many near dependencies as there are small 
singular values. 
2.2 Condition Number and Condition Indices 
The condition number is one of the most popular stability 
indicators. The condition number is defined as: 
x(A) = [A] 
A7 (2.3) 
or in terms of the singular value decomposition of A as the 
ratio of the largest to the smallest singular values as: 
min (2.4) 
In a similar fashion, the i condition index can be defined as 
the ratio of the largest singular value to the ji" singular value : 
À max 
Ki“ Fp 2.3) 
Hence there will be as many condition indices as there are 
nonzero singular values. 
2.3 Variance-Decomposition Proportions 
It is well known to all least square users that the variance- 
covariance matrix of the adjusted parameters (if we assume a 
unit weight matrix P — I, and unit a priori variance of unit 
weight cl = 1) is given by: 
Xx - (ATA)! (2.6) 
Expressing this in terms of the singular values of the design 
matrix A as in Eq.(2.1 ) we get: 
X, -(VDU'UDV?)' (2.7) 
- Vp?vt 
Therefore, the variance of the if^ parameter x; may be written 
2 ; vi 
Cx, = > Cy) (2.8) 
which means that, the variance of any parameter decomposes 
into a sum of components, each of which is associated with one 
of the singular values A;. For instance, the component of the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
variance of the if^ parameter associated with the j? singular 
value is given by: 
(61); = — (2.9) 
The proportion of the variance the parameter x; associated 
with the j" singular value is given as: 
2 . 
pa oe (2.10) 
The decomposition of the variances of all parameters with 
respect to all singular values gives what is called the variance- 
decomposition proportions matrix. 
2.4 Identification of Correlated Parameters 
Since a null singular value is an indication of an exact linear 
dependency, a small singular value is indicative of a near 
dependency. Therefore, there will be as many near 
dependencies as there are small singular values. 
On the other hand, since in Equation(2.9) A;'s appear in the 
denominator of the expression of the components of the 
variance, components associated with small singular values will 
be large compared to the other components; which will lead to 
high proportions. 
It follows that , two or more parameters can be said to be 
involved in a near dependeny when a high proportion of their 
variances is associated with the same small singular value (or 
same high condition index). 
Hence, the method of variance decomposition will enable 
- The number of near dependencies (multiple 
correlation) affecting the system as the number of high 
condition indices (small singular values). 
- The parameters involved in these multiple 
correlations as those that have a large proportion of their 
variances associated with the same high condition indiex. 
It remains however to decide on what should be considered as a 
large proportion of the variance and what should be considered 
as high condition index. 
In this matter no standard exists on which to base this decision. 
Concerning the threshold for the proportion of the variance, 
Belsley et al (1980) considered a proportion to be large when it 
accounts for more than 50% of the variance of a parameter. 
The threshold for the condition index is however more 
complicated, because what can be considered a high condition 
index inducing ill-conditioning for a particular application , 
may not be a source of ill-conditioning for other type of 
Hence in the testing that follows, all condition indices will be 
considered until a conclusion can be reached during the testing 
on threshold to consider as harmfull. 
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