CDW (Close Range
jllei Fototechnic to
to-use environment.
PC applications the
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Figure. 3: Graphical representation of camera stations
An extensive analysis of the data is carried out to provide
all necessary information. This includes the number of
(non-multiple) observations being introduced to the ad-
justment and error detection using robust parameter esti-
mation techniques as well as initial information. In addition
with the implemented above mentioned independent
control algorithms a most reliable result is ensured. The
userfriendlyness of PROMPT is furthermore increased
through the automatic determination of the E matrix for the
free network calculation. With the large variety of different
models for the calculation of the interior orientation a wide
range of applications from low to high accuracy and ana-
logue to digital imagery is covered (ref. figure 2a, 2b).
After introducing modern parameter estimation techniques
in the program NAWE OPT [ref. FELLBAUM 1994] with
PROMPT the complete orientation computation of Rollei
Fototechnic are now equipped with these sophisticated
algorithms. PROMPT has been designed to operate semi
automatically for the close range photogrammetry applica-
tion. It has been the target to provide the user with any
necessary information on the one hand, and on the other
hand to avoid any unnecessary or sophisticated operation if
it is not necessary. Robust adjustment techniques taking
into account initial information ensure against blundered
observations. To judge the accuracy of the computations
and the results a variety of checks is provided.
With all the mentioned features in connection with the
modern WINDOWS environment a powerful and easy to
handle bundle adjustment program has been created
which will give a wider range of users access to multi
image triangulation through bundle adjustment.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
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