Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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area (Set 4) 
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Table 1 are 
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the 4.5m HR 
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tributable to 
ontrol point 
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ground „point 
1 {0.7 pixels 
the i full +110 
, 1996 
Table 1: RMS values of residuals from 2-D transformations between image coordinates 
and ground control point planimetric coordinates for both the entire testfield and 
four 25 km x 40 km sections, each containing about 20 points. Results are given for 
each channel, for first-, second- and third-order models. Units are metres. 
SET 2 SET 3 SET 4 
Ist! 2nd 3rd|1st 2nd 3rd 
5, nadir {12.9 9.700 419.37 8.3 G.1 
6, forward (41.4 8.7 8.71 9.028.661 
7) backward {12.4 110.3 9.1: 6.9 
ist 2nd 3rd) 1st 2nd 3rd] 1st (2nd 3rd 
4 6.7 258144141 5.8 4.9110.1 9.5. 9.4 
6160 5:0 110.0: 6.0. ..5.0111.9.11.2310.8 
1.8.2 .648:120.6-7.5-6.6111.,8:11.0::9.,8 
km length of the testfield, and at the 
5-7m level (0.4-0. pixels) in three 
of the four 1000 km’ areas. While these 
values are impressive in their own 
right, what is more important is the 
inference that the bundle adjustment 
should yield a similar or better 
planimetric triangulation accuracy. 
5.1 Overview 
In -the ‘evaluation of the MOMS-02/D2 
triangulation " accuracy, attention was 
focussed on the impact upon the bundle 
adjustment results of three variables: 
the number of control points and their 
distribution, the number of OIs, and the 
order of the Lagrange interpolation 
functions. Of the many  triangulation 
adjustments conducted only a sample are 
considered here. The results presented 
have been obtained with the two 
independently observed sets of image 
coordinate data referred to earlier, 
namely a three-channel set from The 
University of Melbourne and a two-channel 
set from ETH Zurich. The former comprised 
a total of 62 points, the latter 48. 
Tables 2 and 3 provide a summary of the 
accuracies obtained for the two data sets 
under conditions of differing numbers of 
control points and OIs, and changing 
orders for the interpolation functions 
for exterior orientation parameters. 
Listed in the tables are the RMS values 
of XxyYz object coordinate discrepancies 
for the triangulated checkpoints for each 
bundle adjustment. In the cases of the 12 
and 20 control points, the RMS 
discrepancy values listed are each 
effectively the means of the checkpoint 
residuals from two separate control point 
configurations (see Figure 1}. 
In comparing the results in Tables 2 and 
3, the most striking feature is the fact 
that contrary to expectations (at least 
in ’planimetry)” the” 2-ray triangulation 
yields significantly superior accuracy to 
that of the 3-fold stereo imagery. This 
is thought to be partly a consequence of 
rnational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
the superior quality of the image 
coordinates from ETH Zurich, which were 
measured with the aid of a more refined 
image enhancement process involving 
Wallis filtering and interactive quality 
evaluation. As has already been 
mentioned, there was a difference of 0.7 
pixel (RMS) between the image coordinates 
of the two sets. This would account for a 
component of the discrepancy between the 
values listed in the two tables, which is 
generally at the level of 2-4m or up to 
0.3 pixel for the LR channels. 
Kornus et al (1995) refer to the 
appearance of  unforeseen and unknown 
Systematic effects in the  MOMS-02/D2 
image data which they attribute to 
calibration errors due possibly. to. in- 
flight changes in camera geometry. The 
presence of such systematic error in 
interior orientation is further indicated 
by the fact that the bundle adjustments 
of the three-fold stereo imagery yield 
poorer .planimetric. accuracy than the 
individual 2-D transformations for each 
channel. Inispite of. this, : RMS- point 
positioning accuracies at the 0.5 to 0.8 
pixel | level (with respect to the IR 
channels) are obtained. 
A further quality measure of the ground 
point determination results is provided 
by a comparison of the internal precision 
(standard errors) and external accuracy 
(checkpoint discrepancies). Over the 
range of bundle adjustments of the 2-ray 
imagery represented in Table 2, the mean 
standard errors obtained from each of the 
covariance matrices C, varied by only a 
modest amount and averaged Oxy = 4m and 
0, = 7m. For the 3-ray triangulations of 
Table 3 the corresponding values were Oy, 
= Am and oz LOM The difference in 
heighting precision arises primarily as a 
consequence of the higher level of 
triangulation misclosure in the case of 
three-fold stereo coverage. Here, the RMS 
value of image coordinate residuals was 
close to 0.3 pixel, as compared to 0.2 
pixel for the 2-ray triangulations. This 
influence of the difference in image 
coordinate residuals is balanced for 
planimetric precision by the stronger 3- 
ray intersection geometry. 

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