Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

m Ce o 
Area Feature 
orge ca Part of 
Pa rea Entity 
is-a t Part of 
3 grid cells, 
—\ dead areas 
ucture for a DTM 
' the presentation 
Earth' surface is 
Very often, a 
iat can be derived 
l For the points 
nsists of n regions 
y) € V(1) then pi 
(pi, pj) is the half- 
than to p;, then 
pi, Pj) 
pi, Dj) 
d to derive the tri- 
lines dual to this 
. A defining prop- 
at the circumcircle 
her point in its in- 
ph property of the 
data structure of a 
ded DTM delivers 
a similar pictogram (see fig.4 ). The advantage of an irreg- 
ular triangulated network (TIN) compared with a gridded 
DTM is taken from the fact that triangles of a TIN rep- 
resent very close geomorphological features. This results 
simply from the primary data acquisition process that dis- 
cretizes the continous Earth’ surface mainly in those points 
in which geomorphological characteristics change. 
Zo Class Cures cess) died Class 3 
c db ee 
As Belong to fes Belong to ^ Belong to 
N ‘ 
c int roe) e Feature À noi Frais 
Repre re Represented We Part of Represented te Part of 
AN BN be 
Point Entity (im Entity v) C^ Area Entity 
hii ba 
a a^ ^e Part of °F Part of 
= SRE CE Begin a left y 
Triangle Node = Edge \T——— (rose) 
ER End Cur right 
Xyz J 
5 (N 
Figure 4: Geometric-topological data structure of a TIN 
Fig. 4 is derived from a fully geometric-topological data 
structure. Further structures that define topological TIN 
organizations according to triangles and edges, respect- 
ively, are given by D. Fritsch (1991). : 
2.1 Layer-oriented DTM in GIS 
The layer approach is the oldest data structure that 
emerged from the superimposition of various analog maps. 
The link of the DTM with planimetric features is real- 
ized by the coordinate reference system, which has to be 
identical for the layers superimposed with each other. This 
superimposition should not be called ’ integration ' because 
no real integration step is carried out. 
Contrary to the primary DTM interpretation problem there 
is no doubt that the layer approach of DTM derivates in 
vector and raster form, for instance contour lines, slope 
and aspect information, shaded reliefs etc. delivers an ad- 
equate data storage model. In some cases, the superimpos- 
ition of a few derivates comes out with new information in 
the sense, that the terrain can better be interpreted than 
before, and spatial analysis is performed in an excellent 
2.2 Fully integrated 2.5D data model 
The integration of DTM data structures with their plani- 
metric counterparts is also dealt with in P. van Osterom 
et al. (1994), M. Pilouk/O. Kutoniyi (1994) and K. Kraus 
(1995). Above all, the integration consists of a link between 
planimetry and topography. That means, a geomorpholo- 
gical feature should have a counterpart in planimetry, but 
must not necessarily. The way of implementation is not to 
be defined in a strict sense, as also shown in the section of 
open system architectures. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Point Class 
Belong to 
Point Feature 
Area Feature Line Feature 
Represented Represanted Pert of 
by by 
£x, y, 2) 
Figure 5: 2.5D data structure of integrated TIN (Copy- 
right/Courtesy: M. Pilouk/O. Kutoniyi, 1994) 
The proposal of M. Pilouk/O. Kutoniyi integrates a TIN 
DTM and multitheme geoinformation as represented by 
fig. 5 in a most rigorous approach. In their model, terrain 
features are classified into three geometric types: point (0 
simplex), line (1 simplex) and area (2 simplex) in each 
mapping theme. In addition, features are grouped into 
mutually exclusive thematic classes in each layer. These 
classes are simply represented by class labels. The type to 
which a feature belong will be decided during the imple- 
mentation step. For the representation of terrain features, 
point, line and area entities are used. The same data struc- 
ture is worked out by K. Kraus (1995). 
The implementation of the integrated 2.5D data structure 
can be realized in a purely relational scheme (M. Pilouk/O. 
Kutoniyi, 1994). Only eight normalised relations are ne- 
R1: AREA (a id, af id, layer, a name, a, class) 
R2: LINE (1_id, lf id, layer, 1l. name, l1_class) 
R3: POINT (pid, pf .id, layer, p.name, p.class) 
R4: PNODET (p.id, p.node) 
Rb: ARC (arcjnr, beg, end, l.tri, r tri) 
R6: NODE (node-nr, x coord, y coord, z coord) 
R7: ARCLINE (arc nr, al. id) 
R8: TRIANGLE (tri nr, ta id) 
These relations are derived from six dependency state- 
ments. The data types and the link types serve as field 
names in the final relational structure. 
Three-dimensional data models often refer to spatial data 
structures used for mapping of nodes, edges, faces (areas), 
and volumes. Applications can be found in the geosciences 
in which particularly solid bodies have to be modelled, 
analyzed and visualized. 
Volume modelling technology and its integration with vari- 
able prediction provide a range of options for performing 
more precise volumetrics analyses. This includes determin- 
ation of the volume of any irregular shape, or the volume of 

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