Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

its intersection with another irregular shape, or the volume 
of an isosurface of a variable value, and the ability to ana- 
lyze the contents of any volume or intersection in terms of 
contained variable values. Most progress realizing these 
tasks have been reached in geology, demonstrated by S.W. 
Houlding (1994), G. F. Bonham-Carter, (1994), T. Bode 
et al. (1994), M. Breunig (1996), and H. Kasper et al. 
3.1 Raster data models 
To create a solid model for fully three-dimensional geo- 
metry hexahedral volume elements, or vowels are intro- 
duced, particularly to represent geobodies (S.W. Hould- 
ing, 1994). In the simplest voxel representation, a cube, 
each face is a square. In a more complex voxel, each face 
can have a different size and shape. This flexibility ensures 
that the output of practically any finite difference model- 
ling application can be readily accepted as model input. 
Voxels are therefore defined using any of several grid struc- 
tures. In fig. 6 four common structures are sketched that 
are also implemented in available 3D GIS products (for 
instance the MGE Voxel Analyst, INTERGRAPH, 1993). 
Figure 6: Geobody modelling - (a) uniform, (b) regular, 
(c) irregular, and (d) structured (Copyright/Courtesy: IN- 
TERGRAPH Co., Huntsville). 
In the uniform approach the grid spacing along all ortho- 
gonal axes is constant and identical; all edges are the same 
length (cubic voxels). The regular modelling uses differ- 
ent grid spacing but constant along each orthogonal axis; 
edges are constant along each axis. In the contrary, if grid 
spacing varies along each orthogonal axis, and the edges 
vary in length along each axis, then the irregular voxel 
representation is used. Last, a most deformed voxel rep- 
resentation that is often referred to in geological modelling 
is the structured one, in which grid spacing varies along 
each orthogonal axis; each edge of each voxel can be of 
different length. The data results from modelling tech- 
niques to conform to geophysical or geological formations 
and shapes. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
3.2 Tetrahedral tessellations 
A generalization of the planar Delaunay tringulation leads 
to Delaunay tetrahedral tessellation (DTT). This is one 
kind of a simple data structure for spatial solid modelling, 
particularly if irregular distributed 3D data are captured. 
Due to its many advantages there are some proposals to 
use the DTT for 3D GIS (X. Chen et al., 1994). The DTT 
is derived by the 3D Voroni diagram that is quite similar 
to the definition of section 2. 
Figure 7: The 3D-Voronoi diagram (a) and the 
Delaunay tetrahedral tesselation (b) (Copyright/Courtesy: 
X.Chen/K.Ikeda, 1994) 
The Delaunay tetrahedral tessellation is the straight-line 
dual of the 3D Voroni daigram and is constructed by 
connecting the points whose associated Voroni influence 
volumes share a common boundary. The Delaunay tetra- 
hedral tessellation is thus formed from four adjacent points 
whose Voroni influence volumes meet a vertex, which is the 
center of the circumsphered sphere of the Delaunay tetra- 
The integration of the Delaunay tetrahedral tessellation 
(DTT) in 2D GIS data structures is proposed in a fur- 
ther contribution given by X. Chen et al. (1994). It is 
shown, that not only DTT representations but also voxel 
definitions can be linked with geometric-topological data 
The integration of height information extends the query 
space for spatial queries considerably. New spatial op- 
erators can be defined and the existing structured query 
language, the standard of relational databases, has to be 
redefined. In general, three different classes of queries can 
be defined 
e Numeric (e.g. the altitude of a mountain), also called 
measurement functions 
e Boo 
e Ope 
'These thr« 
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2.5D appre 
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