Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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Proc. SPIE, 
isible/ In- 
>IE, vol.834, 
Jayanta Kumar Ghosh. 
Research Scholar. Civil Engineering Department. 
University of Roorkee. Roorkee. UP. 247 667. INDIA. 
Commission Ill, Working Group 3 
KEY WORDS : Knowledge Base, Sub-pixel, Classification, Computer Understanding System, 
Automation, Fuzzy Labels, Linguistic Variables. 
Sub-pixel analysis of satellite data is important for accurate information and estimation of the different land 
cover classes. This paper defines a new method for direct classification and estimation of the sub-pixel land 
covers. Itis a fuzzy knowledge based approach wherein features (LINGUISTIC VARIABLES) are addressed 
by fuzzy labels. This approach can be utilised in developing an image understanding system. 
In satellite images, land cover classes are classified 
with a certain degree of uncertainity, especially 
when mixed pixels occur. This is due to their con- 
tinuous spatial coverage rather than abrupt and 
inter-grade gradually. Thus, mixed pixels occur in a 
satellite image either at the boundaries of the cover 
types or due to the sub-pixel phenomena (Fisher and 
Pathirana, 1990). Previous studies show that differ- 
ent classification methods for classifying or assign- 
ing labels to pixel may achieve classification accu- 
racy greater than 8596 for "pure" pixels butless than 
7596 correct classification for regions having mixed 
pixels (Metzler and Cicone, 1983). This is due to the 
fact that the mixed pixel displays a composite spec- 
tral response which may be dissimilar to each of its 
component classes (Campbell, 1987). Thus, due to 
the inherent presence of mixed pixel, classification 
schemes are prone to errors. 
To get through the crux, a number of approaches, 
basically statistical in nature, have been developed 
and tested to unmix the pixels into their constituent 
classes (Settle and Drake 1993, Jasinski and 
Eagleson 1990, Fisher and Pathirana 1990). Typi- 
cally, pixel unmixing is achieved through the appli- 
cation of a spectral mixture model. An alternative to 
this is to define relationships between a measure of 
the strength of class membership, which may be 
derived from some image classification routines 
and the pixel composition (Foody and Cox 1994). 
This paper defines a new method for direct classifi- 
cation and estimation of the sub-pixel land cover 
classes in addition to pure pixels. 
The approach outlined in this paper is based on the 
premise that classes of objects in which the transi- 
tion from membership to non-membership is gradual 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
rather than abrupt, which intuitively correlates with 
the spatial distribution of the land cover classes. As 
land covers are imprecise in spatial distribution with 
reference to IFOV (Instaneous Field Of View) of the 
satellite sensors, fuzzy labels (Zadeh, 1973) pro- 
vides a better framework of representation of class 
information. Generally, the more a pixel contains a 
cover class, greater is the proportion of spectral 
characteristics of that class in that pixel (Wang, 
1990). As the mixture proportion changes from pixel 
to pixel, the spectral characteristics will also change. 
In fuzzy representation, for remote sensing image 
analysis, land cover classes are defined by fuzzy 
sets (Zadeh, 1965) where FEATURES are linguistic 
variables, image pixels are set elements and the 
membership grades attached to a pixel indicate the 
extent to which the pixel belong to a certain class/ 
As better resolution of images enhances the intrin- 
sic heterogeneity (scene noise) of images, conven- 
tional classification techniques do not lead to better 
results (Townshend, 1980). So an "image under- 
standing system" using subtle differences of multi - 
spectral responses in synergistic consideration has 
been adopted. It is characterised by a priori knowl- 
edge of the real world. In determining the a priori 
knowledge, the domain knowledge of land covers in 
multi-spectral perspective, expert's heuristics and 
training area informations are used. 
The land cover classes are first categorised in a 
hierarchical order ( See Appendix A). Then the 
working of the understanding system proceed from 
top to bottom i.e., from general to particular type of 
The steps involved in the operation of the proposed 
understanding system are enumerated as follows: 

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