Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

is the plane containing 
'ough S and v. 
its normal vector n be 
S Yvi-Ys -Zs 
L Yk —YL 0 
Yi —YL) (51) 
(Xk — XL) 
X 7 has the form: 
Yk)+1Z =0 (32) 
of the normal vector n 
+ mt 
+ nt (33) 
+ It 
nto(32) yields the val- 
corresponding to the 
; coordinates will be: 
+ mt 
+ nt (34) 
= SP’ and the angle 
found to be: 
1? + 02d, 
t of intersection of the 
ecting each station po- 
int. After determining 
|, camera and the space 
ations(S;, S,) for both 
(8)), the space coordi- 
of two corresponding 
whose image is A. ( in 
neous coordinates can 
equation(3). Then the 
alculated as mentioned 
Space coordinates for 
; A; (in left photo) can 
enna 1996 
Si Right photo 
Lett photo 
Figure 8: Space intersection with a stereopair of pho- 
2. The space point A can be easily found as the 
point of intersection of two rays S; Aa, and 
Sr Aa 
These steps depend only on knowing the coordinates 
of both S; and S,. Hence for the reconstrection of 
the space model the orientation parameters need not 
be all calculated. 
However, due to errors in measurement, the two cor- 
responding rays are skew in general. Therefore, the 
shortest distance between them is calculated and the 
space point A is assumed to be the midpoint of it. 
A computer program was developed using the pro- 
posed method. The program takes also into consid- 
eration the case of giving more than four coplanar 
points and/ or more than one control points outside, 
using the least squares technique. 
Another computer program relying on the same idea 
is developed to deal with the reconstruction of a space 
model, using two images form two different positions 
using the same camera, without calculating the ori- 
entation parameters. 
For the estimation of the accuracy of the method the 
Standard deviation for the coordinates of a group of 
check points (with known space and image coordi- 
nates) were calculated. 
The test was done with a mathematical simulation of 
a photo of an object consisting of 30 points (6 points 
as control points) and the rest as check points [2]. 
1. The orientation parameters of the camera were 
regarded as known for right and left photos and 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
were used to calculate the image coordinates 
X,Y of the points. 
2. A random numbers were added to each photo 
coordinates (0 — — + 0.05mm) to simulate the 
measuring errors and random deformation. 
3. The orientation parameters were recalculated 
from new photo coordinates of the control po- 
sition which were used to determine the space 
coordinates of the check points. 
4. Standard deviation in X,Y and Z direction can 
be determined by finding the difference between 
the original, initially given coordinates and the 
corresponding calculated one [3]. 
The following Table shows the standard deviation 
Ox,0y,07 and oxyz for check points calculated by 
the proposed method. 
| St. dev.(in em) | ex | ev | ez | oxvz | 
| Proposed method | 0.17 | 0.18 | 0.42 | 0.487 | 
The proposed method is used to determine the ori- 
entation parameters of a non-metric camera and also 
can be used to find the exterior parameters of a met- 
ric camera. The main advantage of this method is 
that the orientation parameters are determined di- 
rectly without using linearization of equations and 
they need no complicated technique. 
A practical use of this method is when photos of ob- 
jects contain plane figures such as buildings, interior 
furniture, ... etc. Old non-metric photos can also be 
interpreted and photogrammetric measurements can 
be taken to such objects. 
[1] ELsoNBATY A. M.,1992. Using Perspective Pro- 
jection For Estimating The Accuracy Of Mea- 
surements in Photogrammetry. MSC Thesis, 
Civil Eng. Dept. Assiut University. 
ETHROG, U.,1984. Non-metric Camera Calibra- 
tion and Photo Orientation Using Parallel and 
Perpendicular lines of the Photographed Object, 
Photogrammetria 39, pp. 13-22 
[3] MIKHaIL E. H., GRACIES G.,1981. Analysis and 
Adjustment of Survey Measurements, Litton Ed- 
ucational Publishing. 
(4] WILLIAMsoN J. R., BRILL M. H.,1987. Three- 
dimensional Reconstruction From two-Point 
Perspective Imagery, Photogrammetric Eng. and 
Remote Sensing, 53 pp. 331-335. 

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