Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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two neighbours. For this case we can generalize perspective 
to affine transformation. The start values for this procedure 
are extracted from the set-up data of the aerial photograph 
and the known coordinates of the map data, combined with 
at least approximate elevation data of the ground and ap- 
proximate knowledge of the height of the building. Results of 
the matching procedure of GIS-building's outline and Burn's 
lines are presented in Figure 5. 
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Figure 4: Four steps of piecemeal affine matching in 
the case of a rectangle (4 lines outline). 
Figure 5: Results after piecemeal affine match- 
ing (based on distance transformation) between GIS- 
building's outline and Burn's line segments. 
3.4 The 3D roof skeleton (Stereoscopic approach). 
The results of the fusion process are enhanced and verified 
by the involvement of a second image, which allows a 
stereoscopic investigation of the scene. Starting from 
the extracted outline of the roof we create a fully three- 
dimensional set of roof lines, which we call the roof-skeleton. 
This data set has to be topologically checked and finally 
leds to the CAD-model of the entire roof. A number of 
different steps of the procedure is presented in Figure 6 and 7. 
The medieval roofs of downtown Graz give us the background 
of a suitable test site for our investigations. Various details 
and subdivided roof shapes measure the quality of our ap- 
proach. The current result of the algorithm we are working 
on is depicted in Figure 6. 
From the token-set of lines in Figure 3, derived from digital 
image data we start to extract the roof outline (6a) and ex- 
ploiting hypothesies of angularities between roof outline, ridge 
lines and other edges of the roof we create the roof skeleton 
step by step (6b,6c,7a,7b) (cf. parsing in [Stokes, 1992]). 
The final result, which needed a small amount of manual 
interaction is compared with the digital image of the scene 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Figure 6: Different steps of the extraction of the roof 
skeleton based on image data and 2D GIS (6a, 6b, 6c). 
The result of our procedure may be understood as an initial 
step towards automated roof reconstruction, which needs to 
be expanded and improved. A multi-image approach shall be 
one of our further investigations. This may cause a better 
accuracy by means of least squares adjustment, available 
from multi-stereo solutions. Beside the improvement of the 
quality of the derived roof skeleton, we have to increase the 
level of detail of the CAD-model by means of detection of 
chimneys, sky-lights and other small parts of roofs. This is a 
must if phototexture is involved to enhance the CAD-model 
of the roof in order to guarantee the correspodence between 
phototexture and geometry [Gruber et al. 1995b]. 
We also intent to show, how a verification process of 
the automatically derived CAD-model of the roof may be 
lead by image processing methods. This means, that the 
correspodence between CAD-data and texture-data may be 

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