Michael Gruber, Franz Leberl and Markus Maresch
Institute for Computer Graphics
Graz University of Technology
Münzgrabenstr. 11, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Key Words: 3D Urban Database, 3D GIS, 3D Modelling, Photorealism
The creation of photorealistic 3-D digital models of urban areas is based on several source
data, different techniques to acquire, refine and maintain these data and powerful
computersystems, which allow to perform the required operations. The current contribution
describes the most important requirements for the complete modelling of urban areas and the
use and maintainance of these data. We therefore show the concept of a digital workstation,
which combines the functionality of several well known elements like photogrammetric image
set up or digital texture mapping and the concept of a geo-server which will guarantee remote
and local acess to these data with acceptable performance.
Dreidimensionale digitale Stadtmodelle nehmen einen immer breiteren Raum in
unterschiedlichsten Bereichen wie Stadtplanung, zivile Sicherheit, mobile Telekom-munikation
oder Unterhaltung, Informations- und Bildungswesen ein. Trotz einer sich stark entwickelnden
Computer- und Datenübertragungstechnologie sind eher Fallstudien und kleinráumige Projekte
vorherrschend, für ^ photorealistische Darstellungen | ganzer Städte stellen sowohl die
Datenerfassung wie die Verarbeitung und Visualisierung der anfallenden Datenmengen eine
^ nach wie vor schwierige Aufgabe dar. Wir gehen nun davon aus, daß ein Gesamtsystem zur
Erfassung, Verwaltung und Übertragung der Stadtmodelldaten konzipiert werden muß. Dieses
Gesamtsystem wird im folgenden beschrieben.
Introduction and thematic information, generated at low cost
and accessible at high speed by a broad range of
We present a progress report of our current work local or remote end-users.
to create, maintain and prepare for remote and
local use fully threedimensional photorealistic Such 3-D data will not only present the geometric
textured digital models of cities. These 3-D relationships in a city, but also permit to create
Cityscapes are currently a widely discussed photo-realistic renderings for various decision-
upgrade from strictly twodimensional geographic making and planning tasks and will involve into
information systems (GISs) [Fórstner et al. 1993]. various new applications like civil security,
Data sources for the 3-D city model of course transport, leisure and entertainment, education
include the existing GIS, the aerial photographs, and training, tourism, publishing, etc. (cf. Fig. 1).
which are periodically produced on behalf of the
citie's authorities and photographs taken from
street level in order to cover facades of a citie's
buildings [Gruber et al. 1995a]. In addition to the
GIS data and aerial and terrestrial images we are
involving the DEM of the terrain, which represents
the shape of the bald earth. Each data set
consists of different types of data, needs different
amounts of disk storage and has to be prepared
ton. and tuned for the requirements of the user. These
efforts shall result in a complete 3-D database of
urban areas. In addition the concept of this
information system will be subsumed into a
multimedia system. The goal is to take advantage
of the emerging information and telecom-
munication technologies to create a large market
for 3D urban data bases with geometric
Fig. 1: Part of photorealistically rendered scene of
a city block in Vienna
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996