Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

In order to become operational for practical applications 
an automatic orientation module has to meet various 
requirements. Ideally it should be 
- autonomous (as opposed to the term 'automatic', 'au- 
tonomous' implies that no user interaction whatsoever 
is acceptable), 
- faster than manual image orientation, 
- more accurate than manual image orientation, 
- flexible with respect to image and camera type (close 
range, aerial, satellite images), 
- flexible with respect to different types of control infor- 
mation (points, lines, areas, DTM, etc.), 
- robust: the module should also work with images of 
poor quality, 
- reliable: the module should have a self diagnosis pro- 
cedure by which success and failure of the computa- 
tions can be assessed. 
This papers reviews existing algorithms, strategies, and 
systems for automatic image orientation in digital photo- 
grammetry. What is new in the digital domain is the 
automatic extraction and matching of the image primiti- 
ves. The actual computation of the orientation parame- 
ters is similar, if not identical to the corresponding step 
in analytical photogrammetry. Therefore, the emphasise 
of this paper is on the automatic primitive extraction and 
matching. The discussion is focused on aerial applica- 
tions. In the next chapter some background will be given 
on the central task of image matching. Then, interior and 
exterior orientation are discussed, the latter split up into 
relative and absolute orientation. Throughout the discus- 
sions, examples from the literature illustrate the state of 
the art in the field. The paper concludes with some 
remarks on the future of automatic image orientation. 
Matching plays a basic role in the automation of image 
orientation. Therefore, some background on this impor- 
tant topic will be given in this chapter (see also Heipke 
In digital photogrammetry and remote sensing, matching 
can be defined as the establishment of the corre- 
spondence between various data sets. The matching 
problem is also referred to as the correspondence prob- 
lem. The data sets can represent images, but also maps, 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
or object models and GIS data. Many steps of the photo- 
grammetric processing chain are linked to matching in 
one way or another. Examples include 
- the reestablishment of the interior orientation: the 
image of a fiducial is matched with a two-dimensional 
model of the fiducial, 
- relative orientation and point transfer in aerial trian- 
gulation: parts of one image are matched with parts of 
other images in order to generate tie points, 
- absolute orientation: parts of the image are matched 
with a description of control features 
- generation of DTM: parts of an image are matched 
with parts of another image in order to generate a 
three-dimensional object description, 
- the interpretation step: features extracted from the 
image are matched with object models in order to 
identify and localize the depicted scene objects. 
Except in the case of interior orientation, in image mat- 
ching we try to reconstruct three-dimensional object in- 
formation from two-dimensional projections. During im- 
age acquisition information was lost. This is most evident 
in the case of occlusions. Image matching belongs to the 
class of so-called inverse problems, which are known to 
be ill-posed. A problem is ill-posed, if no guarantee can 
be given that a solution exists, is unique, and/or is stable 
with respect to small variations in the input data. Image 
matching is ill-posed for various reasons. For instance, 
for a given point in one image, a corresponding point may 
not exist due to occlusion, there may be more than one 
possible match due to repetitive patterns or a semi-trans- 
parent object surface, and the solution may be unstable 
with respect to noise due to poor texture. 
In order to find a solution of an ill-posed problem one 
usually has to deal with an optimisation function exhibi- 
ting many local extrema and thus a small pull-in range. 
Therefore, stringent requirements may exist for initial 
values of the unknown parameters to be determined. 
Moreover, usually there is a large search space for these 
parameters, and numerical instabilities may arise during 
the computations. Ill-posed problems can be converted 
to well-posed problems by introducing additional 
knowledge. Fortunately, a whole range of assumptions 
usually holds true when dealing with photogrammetric 
- information about the sensor, e.g. in form of a calibra- 
tion protocol is available, 
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