+c, eg, =" line(8 , , , )' ^
secorridor A0, 20; ^K, -Kj
C4 (6,)7 cj ife, ="line(®,,x) otherwise (3.4)
S Ll" ani
a if €, ="no-line
c. is an "additional current" due to the presence of a GIS
object. The membership of a site in a corridor and the state
which is affected by this are computed prior to the line extrac-
tion and stored in a raster map.
According to (2.10) we are dealing with two types of data: the
SAR intensity and the interferometric coherence. Both are
evaluated in a similar manner which is treated in this section.
For edge detection in SAR intensity data the ratio edge detector
has been shown to give the best measure of edge strength. It
corresponds with the multiplicative noise characteristics of the
data and results in a constant false alarm rate (Touzi et al.,
1988; Bovik, 1988; Adair & Guindon, 1990; Caves, 1993). Our
approach is also based on the ratio detector.
In general the ratio operator compares two small regions of the
image, e.g. the left and the right half of a window. In each of
the two regions the averages of the intensities are computed.
The normalized ratio output is the ratio of the two averages
using the larger one as the denominator:
max(( )2))
where (A) and (45) are the mean intensities. If r is close to 1,
the regions do not contrast. If r approaches 0 and the intensity
is homogeneous in both regions, there is a discontinuity along
the boundary of the regions.
To detect a line a detector mask is defined which consists of
three regions (Lopes et al., 1993): a line region and two regions
at the sides of the line region (see Fig. 4.1). Curved lines of
varying widths can be considered. The detector masks are
generated prior to the processing of the scene for a set of line
directions, curvatures and widths. They correspond to the
discrete line directions and curvatures defined by (3.1).
The ratio operator is applied to all combinations of the detector
mask regions. The line detector has to be prevented from
giving a response to the location of edges or strong scatterers.
Therefore, we follow a procedure similar to the one proposed
by Lopes et al. (1993). In case a line is present at the processed
location the line region is homogenous, which means that the
pixel intensities do not vary much. For SAR intensity data, this
condition can be checked by computing the coefficient of
nog (4.2)
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
Fig. 4.1. Geometries of detector masks for line detection. The spot in the
center of the window marks the site to be investigated.
where (T) is the mean intensity and 6, is the standard devia-
tion of the intensity I. As &;=I for homogenous regions, v; of
the investigated region has to be less than a threshold some-
what larger than 1 if the region does not contain any structures.
As the average values of the side regions may be influenced by
the presence of strong scatterers, they are replaced by the
median of the intensity values. It is checked whether the line
intensity differs significantly from the intensities of both side
regions by computing the ratios between the line region and the
side regions. These ratios are tested for membership in the
ratio distribution of regions without contrast, i.e. regions which
have the same: intensities. For this purpose we adopted a
threshold derived from the PDF of the normalized ratio r which
is based on SAR intensity statistics (Caves, 1993):
T(N;L* NL) [s m
pli; 23V 31V) ) ey T ved
Ij Ny
LN, 1
* N,L+N,L | (4.3)
1411 Na
ly. N,
I; and I, are the intensities, N; and Nj are the number of
pixels in both regions, and L is the number of looks per pixel.
L is computed by dividing the ground pixel size by the size of
the resolution element of the sensor. Thus N;L is the number of
independent samples. Fig. 4.2 shows the PDF for various
contrasts I;/I. It is strictly valid only for ratios of averages and
not of medians, but tests have shown that it is a good approxi-
mation. Two regions are considered to be significantly different
if rer L where r 1 is a threshold derived from
joe = 1,,N;,N,,L)dr = 0.05. (4.4)
If the line region is significantly different from both side
regions, a line site has been found. Then the side regions are
checked for similarity which is assumed, if r>r, where r2 is a
threshold derived from
S ol = 1,,N;,N,,L)dr=0.5. 4.5)
If the s
line reg
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(4.7) v
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