Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

he spot in the 
andard devia- 
regions, vy of 
eshold some- 
ny structures. 
influenced by 
laced by the 
ether the line 
| of both side 
egion and the 
ership in the 
regions which 
ve adopted a 
ratio r which 
1e number of 
oks per pixel. 
by the size of 
the number of 
4 for various 
averages and 
good approxi- 
antly different 
om both side 
le regions are 
where r7 is a 
If the side regions are not similar, the ratio response of the 
operator is the larger one of the normalized ratios between the 
line region and one of the side regions, i.e. the ratio towards 
the less contrasting side. If the side regions are similar, a 
common median and a normalized ratio between the line and 
the united side regions is computed. 
probability density 
0 0.10.2 0.30.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.80.9 1 
Fig. 4.2. PDF of the normalized intensity ratio for 
various contrasts I;/15. 
From the resulting ratio responses the energy values of the 
intensity data H,(y; Je.) are derived. Instead of the intensity 
of a pixel we utilize the ratio rg to compute Hy, i.e. we set 
H,(y1,les) = B,(rle,) (4.6) 
where r, is a derived observation. 
A reasonable way to derive energies from observations is to 
assume normally distributed observations. For those the energy 
H is computed from (Kóster, 1995) 
H(x)- eu (4.7) 
where pi, and o, are mean and standard deviation of the 
normal distribution. From (4.3) it is known that the ratio is not 
normally distributed. Nevertheless using (4.3) instead of (4.7) 
poses difficulties, as we do not have any reasonable assump- 
tion about the line contrast I;/I, a line might have. Further- 
more, r, was computed using several tests for region homo- 
geneity and similarity which is why the distribution of r, is not 
strictly (4.3). Therefore, we propose to compute H, re.) from 
(4.7) where p,, —0 for line sites (€, =" line(6,x)"; cf. (3.1)) and 
6, is roughly adjusted to the line contrast in the processed 
For no-line sites (€, ="no — line") we propose to use a uniform 
distribution instead of a normal distribution 
H, (x)= constant (4.8) 
This idea is borrowed from maximum-likelihood classification 
of multispectral imagery where for the land-use classes normal 
distributions are utilized (e.g. Richards, 1993). If the maximum 
density Pmax ( ysles) is less than a threshold T, pixel s with the 
multispectral data vector y, will not be classified. Such a pixel 
corresponds to a no-line site in our case. A reasonable value for 
T can be derived from (4.7) when a maximum ratio 7j for 
line pixels is assumed. r,,,, can be determined from a sample 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
We are now able to formulate the complete energy function of 
the intensity ratio: 
as if s is a line site 
H,(,les)= y m (4.9) 
—. ifsisano-line site 
The PDF of this energy function is illustrated by Fig. 4.3. The 
bell-shaped line shows the PDF of a line site based on a 
normal distribution, and the horizontal line shows the PDF of a 
no-line site. Using Hy(rle,) without a prior energy 
H,(e,loe,). which is the case with any maximum-likelihood 
classification, is equivalent to thresholding the response of the 
ratio operator. 
normalized density 
e "m 0.4 Sio = o 1 
Fig. 4.3. PDF of the operator output intensity ratio. 
The coherence is processed in a similar manner as the inten- 
sity. The data is evaluated applying the same detector masks, 
but instead of the ratio the difference is computed. The checks 
for homogeneity, dissimilarity and similarity of regions are 
essentially the same as for intensity data except that the 
thresholds are derived much more empirically, as the statistical 
properties of coherence data are not as well known as those of 
intensity data (but cf. Tough et al, 1994a; 1994b). 
Hc, le.) = H,(d,je,) is computed according to (4.9) where 
all ratios r are replaced by differences d. 
Our goal is the estimation of the object parameter vector € (cf. 
(3.1)). An optimal € is the ore that results in a global maxi- 
mum of p(ely) which is difficult to determine owing to the 
overwhelmingly large configuration space of €. Presently, we 
apply two methods two approximate the global optimum. As an 
approximation to a MAP estimation we use simulated anneal- 
ing in combination with Gibbs or Metropolis sampling, and as 
a faster deterministic approach which is only guaranteed to 
find a local optimum Besag’s ICM estimator. As these methods 
have been intensively treated in various publications (e.g. 
Geman & Geman, 1984; Busch, 1992; Koch & Schmidt, 1994; 
Winkler, 1995; Guyon, 1995; Koster, 1995), we will only give 
a brief description. 

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