Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

The sites are visited once per iteration in a random sequence. 
For simulated annealing the object parameters of the sites are 
randomly initialized with the proportions between line and no- 
line sites given by cj and c, according to (3.3). The computa- 
tion of probability densities from energies is conducted as 
p(x,px, e exp ee (5.1) 
(cf. (2.8)) where T is a temperature variable. It is decreasing 
according to a cooling schedule 
where C is a cooling constant and i is the index of the current 
iteration. A theoretical value for C which ensures that the 
simulated annealing procedure finally leads to a global opti- 
mum exists, but it would require prohibitorily many iterations 
until stability and the optimum were reached. Therefore, fast 
cooling with an empirical value of C close to 1 was used. 
Tz (5.2) 
For the ICM algorithm € is initially set to the maximum likeli- 
hood interpretation of the image which is the result when each 
site is visited once and E, is set to the object parameter € 
which gives the minimum energy H, (ysl£s). i.e. the maximum 
conditional density py ( »,le.) of the observations given the 
object parameter. During ICM estimation the discrete condi- 
tional PDF is computed in the same way as for the Gibbs 
sampler. In each site E, is set to the value € with the maximum 
conditional posterior probability p(es]ys 08s). The algorithm 
stops when p(ely) reaches a maximum, i.e. when no sites 
change their states any more. 
The model of continuous curvilinear structures based on 
random walk simulations was tested by Gibbs sampling from 
the prior PDF p(e). For a 128 by 128 pixels image we obtain 
results such as the one shown in Fig. 6.1. The picture shows 
thin curvilinear features some of which are connected starting 
to form a network. This is not quite what would be expected of 
a road network. But consider that the model is based on 
comparatively small neighborhoods. What is more, Gibbs 
sampling means drawing random samples from the complete 
configuration space where transitions between the most prob- 
able states can only occur by changing the state of single sites, 
i.e. by obtaining less probable states. Therefore, this result is 
A TOPSAR airborne data set consisting of intensity (Fig. 6.2) 
and coherence (Fig. 6.3) was evaluated. Fig. 6.4 shows the 
response of the intensity-ratio operator based on detector 
masks for 3 pixel wide dark lines aiming at the detection of 
narrow roads. This is the information contained in the data 
which is handed over to the Bayesian inference procedure. Fig. 
6.5 shows the result of a maximum likelihood classification of 
the intensity data which is equivalent to thresholding the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
intensity-ratio response of Fig. 6.4. The result is noisy, lines 
vary strongly in width and direction, and have several gaps. 
Note that this is a result obtained without using prior 
knowledge about the continuity of linear structures. Fig. 6.6 
shows the result of 25 iterations of simulated annealing. Many 
of the gaps have been closed even in locations where the ratio 
image does not show a significant response of the ratio line 
detector, the width of the lines usually is small and does not 
vary much, and the detected directions are stably following the 
directions of the lines. This demonstrates the usefulness of the 
line model. 
Fig. 6.7 results from 25 iterations of simulated annealing 
evaluating both intensity and coherence data. In comparison to 
Fig. 6.6 an improvement of the line extraction can be realized. 
Fig. 6.8 shows the corridor generated from a road center line 
given in a GIS. Once this data is included into the estimation 
procedure this road can be detected more easily (see Fig. 6.9). 
We proposed a new approach for the extraction of linear struc- 
tures from SAR intensity and coherence data in a Bayesian 
framework using an MRF to model continuous curvilinearity. 
Test results demonstrate the plausibility of the MRF line 
model as well as the usefulness of combining SAR intensity 
with coherence and given GIS data when extracting linear 
Further tests of the approach are necessary. Presently, we con- 
sider improvements regarding speed and scale space integra- 
tion. Computational speed could be gained by using local 
highest confidence first (LHCF) estimation (Chou et al., 1993) 
which would implicitly relate the algorithm to line following 
algorithms. Scale space requirements can presently be met by 
using different line widths in the detector masks. A more 
effective way would be the use of an image pyramid or a multi- 
resolution MRF model (Lakshmanan & Derin, 1993; Bouman 
& Shapiro, 1994). We intend to make these topics subjects of 
future publications. 
We thank Vexcel Corporation, Boulder, for providing the test 
data set. 
Adair M., Guindon B. [1990]: Statistical Edge Detection Operators for 
Linear Feature Extraction in SAR Images, Canadian Journal of 
Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 10-19. 
Arduini F., Dambra C., Regazzoni C. S. [1992]: A Coupled MFR Model 
for SAR Image Restoration and Edge-Extraction, IGARSS '92, 
Houston, Vol. 2, pp. 1120-1122. 
Bellavia G., Elgy J. [1986]: Spatial Feature Extraction from Radar 
Imagery, Symposium on Remote Sensing for Resources Develop- 
Bovik / 
Burns J. 
Busch / 
Caves R 
Caves F 
Chou P. 
Green | 
Koch | 
Kwok ] 

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