Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Figure 4: An example of the results of the new algorithm: (a) Situation after performing the Hough transform with two thresh- 
olds. Breakline meshes are illustrated in white, the potential breakline meshes in gray and non-breakline meshes in black. 
(b-c) Results of the whole algorithm. Non-breakline meshes are shown in white. Line segments approximating locations of 
breaklines within meshes are shown in (b) and the corresponding orthoimage in (c). See text for explanations of the labels. 
suitable for breakline modelling than modelling breaklines 
with continuous line segments forming edges of triangles. 
In this paper an video image data acquisition system for 
mapping applications was presented. The acquisition sys- 
tem, still under development, consists of two parts: 
1. First, a huge amount of true colour video images are 
captured from an aircraft. GPS-coordinates of the 
camera are included in the image headers, and are 
also used by the pilot in navigation via the real-time 
plot of the planned and real flight routes. 
2. The digital images are transfered from the digitizing 
PC to a UNIX workstation, which is the host machine 
for a transputer based parallel computer. The system 
automatically creates a large orthoimage mosaic and 
a digital elevation model of the area. 
The "3D-image-mosaic" will be made using the methods of 
global matching or global object reconstruction, a general 
model for digital photogrammetry, integrating area based 
multi-image matching, point determination, object surface 
reconstruction and orthoimage generation. As it is very com- 
putation intensive, a parallel computation is used. 
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